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He couldn't help but care deeply for her, despite the rumors that swirled around her. He longed to protect her and allow her to be her true self in public, just as she was with him.

She looked around nervously as the people nearby began to stare. "You're causing a scene," he whispered urgently, his eyes darting back and forth, "Don't be sensitive." She knew he was right, but she couldn't help the anger that was boiling inside her. She had been wronged, and she wasn't going to let it go without a fight. But as she looked at the faces around her, she realized that maybe this wasn't the time or place for a confrontation. With a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down and stepped away from the situation. She remained unfazed by his worried tone, her mind already made up. Her reputation had been tarnished long ago and she had long since stopped caring about what others thought of her. No matter what happened, the stain on her name remained, a constant reminder of her past mistakes. However, she was hiding a secret - a selfless willingness to sacrifice everything for the ones she loved.

She slowly turned her head to face him, locking her gaze onto his. A deep sigh escaped her lips, betraying the emotions that were swirling inside her. With a heavy heart, he uttered those words. She knew it was time to put an end to everything. The pain, the hurt, the disappointment - it was all too much to bear. She took a deep breath and looked up at him, her eyes filled with remorse. "I'll stop," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Eunhyung looked at her, his eyes searching her face for any sign of doubt. But there was none. She meant what she said. And with those two words, their story came to an end. With a heavy heart, she collapsed into her seat, feeling defeated and utterly exhausted. She buried her face in the unforgiving surface of the desk, as if seeking solace from the inanimate object that seemed to share her misery.

Funny how he didn't even bother to ask why she did that or what happened; he simply informed her that she was causing a disturbance.

Chunyoung, Yeoryeong, and Ji-ho stood by helplessly as the stunning maiden let out a heavy sigh of defeat.

Regardless of the tumultuous events that had befallen her, she valiantly fought back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She felt her emotional state crumbling beneath her, like a fragile structure on the brink of collapse. It was happening right now, at this very moment.

"Why now?" she exclaimed, struggling to hold back the flood of emotions that threatened to spill from her arms.

Despite having a best friend, no one truly knew what could happen to her. Doubts lingered for years, leaving her uncertain about the future.

Yeoryeong's POV

"What happened?" I questioned Eunhyung, to which he responded, "I sort of found a commotion that Mimi was starting."

I couldn't help but notice Mimi in the corner of the room, her face buried in her seat as if trying to disappear.

"Did you know what happened?"

Ji-ho leaned in, his chin resting on his folded hands. "I overheard her call for that girl over there," he said, his voice low and measured. "Her tone was cold, almost detached." And with that, he fell silent, leaving the others to ponder his words. With a swift motion, he extended his arm and directed his finger towards the unknown figure standing at the edge of the room. The room fell silent as Mimi's words hung in the air like a thick fog. Her threat had been clear and direct, leaving no room for misinterpretation. The group exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to proceed. The tension in the room was palpable, and no one dared to speak.

I look over at the unfamiliar person for a moment before returning my focus to Mimi then initially narrows her eyes, but then quickly opens them as I comes to realize something.

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