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Chomi let out a deep sigh, struggling to catch her breath as she felt herself hyperventilating. The scarlet liquid spattered across her visage and the earthen ground. Her mind was clouded, consumed by the singular goal of evading pursuit. She had devised a plan to shake off her pursuers at the racetrack, but what she hadn't anticipated was the sudden and violent collision that shattered her world into fragments.

The lifeless bodies of all of them lay still.

Chomi couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of the situation. If only they hadn't met such a tragic end while foolishly chasing a delicate young woman, she would have found their demise quite comical. Alas, the traumatic event had left her with a bitter taste in her mouth, and laughter was the furthest thing from her mind. The realization dawned upon her that the blame for their untimely demise rested solely on her shoulders.

She held herself responsible, yet in reality, the blame did not lie with her.

She shouldered the burden of every misstep, attributing it to her upbringing in an environment that was less than ideal.

The recollection of the promise she had made to Dan-I weighed heavily upon her, for it was a pivotal moment that demanded her utmost discernment and discretion.


She smiled through her pain.

She laughs through her suffering.

She died at her own peace.

"Dan-I, promise me something.."

No matter the actions we take, whether they are done with intention or without awareness, the responsibility cannot be attributed to any one individual.

The notion of a promise is often accompanied by the expectation of truthfulness from all parties involved. However, when one of the parties chooses to deceive, the very foundation of the promise is shaken. She didn't assign blame to anyone else, but rather took the blame upon herself.


In a fleeting moment of clarity, she found solace in the notion of reaching out to someone residing within the confines of this abode. Without even realizing it, she dialed Dani's number and allowed it to ring for a brief moment before it abruptly ceased.

The automated voice on the other end of the line informed her that the individual she was attempting to reach was currently unavailable and suggested that she try again at a later time.

As the heavens wept, her eyes mirrored the deepening gloom, growing darker with each passing moment. With a heavy heart, she rose to her feet, overcome with a sense of despair. Slowly, she turned away from the scene and began to walk, her steps heavy and burdened.

The sole sound that reached her ears amidst her labored breathing was the gentle patter of a footstep. She strolled down the solitary pathway, devoid of any company. Under the cover of darkness, she breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that the absence of witnesses spared her from the scrutiny of being perceived as a killer.

As the night grew darker, she reached for her phone to dial her parents' numbers. Her fingers trembled as she tried to explain that she would be returning home late due to her stay at Dan-I's house. However, her heart sank as she heard the automated voice on the other end of the line, informing her that the number did not exist. Her heart raced as she frantically attempted to reach out to each and every person she had saved in her contacts. However, to her dismay, the phone only rang endlessly or disconnected the call abruptly, leaving her feeling helpless and alone in her distress.

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