Chapter 20

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Few hours before:

Lee and Sasha having breakfast with their family. After the elders went for work, both sat down on the sofa where Lee checked some files while Sasha scrolled through Socializë account to see updates.

Sasha: How is it, P'?

Sasha showed the post of wishing happy birthday to Gawin.

Sasha: Did you wish him a happy birthday?

Lee: I don't want to have a conversation other than business. It's good for both of us.

Sasha: So… are not going to wish him?

Lee: Can we stop talking about this? I need to go. See you tonight.

Sasha: Good luck P'. You need a lot of that today. And I know you had plans to meet him.

Lee stopped on his tracks and looked at his sister who playfully sticking out her tongue.

Lee: You little……

Sasha: I know brotherrrrrr

Lee shook his head before walking out of the mansion.

Sasha: Su su na!!
Lee plans to go to Green Emerald Pack to wish for him but he is still contemplating whether to go or not, that is why he didn't agree when his sister asked him.

He was contemplating and waiting in the car when the gate opened for the car to go outside from the mansion. When he looked he saw Gawin and Liang going in his direction and driving past his car.

Lee: Wait, where are they going?

Are they planning to go somewhere like dating?" Lee said to himself before turning to the gates.

Lee: If I call Gawin, isn't that not going to be a surprise visit? Arghhhh what should I do now?

Lee thought to go inside and ask his parents before deciding anything.

Inside the mansion:

Earth: What a pleasant surprise, Mr. Ratanarak?

Lee: Well, I wanted to wish you a moon festival.

Louis: So that's why Prince Lee came all the way here?

Louis said in a teasing tone.

Mix: Baby…..

Lee: And to wish Gawin a happy birthday. Is he here?

Mix: Just now he and his fiance went to Hydra planet.

Louis: For a date.

Lee: Ohh….okay.

Earth: Do you want us to call him and check where he is now or you can simply say wishes in a message?

Lee: I want to see him in person and tell him. What is the surprise if I call him and ask him before wishing?

Louis: And why do you need to surprise my brother? You are just a business partner right.

Tul: Baby!!

Lee: Greetings Luna Tul!!

Tul greeted back before looking at Louis with a deep sigh.

Tul: He is our guest. Whatever the issue, we should not treat guests like this.

Lee: That's okay Luna. I hurt Gawin so as his brother he hates me is understandable.

Louis felt bad about what he said but he couldn't help himself when he thought about his brother crying in his room for years. It was out of anger when he saw him and remembered the past years of how his brother was hurting.

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