( chapter 8 ) part 4

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I sit on a horse , areez rosemary , Abby sit on their own horses next to me , Diane and Nicholas are behind us on horses . I turn around to my army *we will find them , we will kill them*i say , they are getting a little exited *they killed you prinsses , they were to kill a lot of your men to*i say *we are gonna show them that they're messing with the wrong people*i say *yess* they all say *now lets find them*i say *YESS* they all scream . I look at mila , she opens the gates . I am riding with me horse through the gates , let's go get those fuckers


Pov fallen
Is getting light already , we are almost where they're hiding . Abby stops with riding *we are here*says Abby *what*I say *there's nothing here*i say *look closely*says Abby . She points forward , you can see a little bunker *this isn't where they brought me*says rosemary *they change places every week , I heard they're were going here*says Abby . I turn to my army *are you all ready*I say *yes*they all say , I look at Rosemary *then let's go* I say 

We gallop to the bunker , some people shoot in windows . 5 men coming running outside *Boss we are under attack*says a men. I throw my knife at him , it hits him in the chest . He falls down , the others shoot the other men . I look at areez and he seemed shocked . I step of my horse , I walk to the gates . I try to open it but theres a lock on it , rosemary runs to me and gives me a knife . I smile at her , I open the gates *go*I say . All the people run inside

Pov Damian
*good your here , where you belong*i say . Elijah looks dirty at the young men *I am happy to help you sir*says Silas . I smile at him , I stand up and walk to him *it must be hard , betraying your own people . But you belong here*i say *I only betrayed fallen , she took my love*says Silas *that girl fallen stole a lot of me to and killed a lot of my men and my brother*i say *im sorry sir*says Silas *don't be , he was a fool thinking I was dead*i say . I hear something trough my walky talky *boss we are under attack*I hear one of my men say . Elijah looks concerned *they found us*says Silas *have you something to do with it*says Elijah *no I swear*says Silas . Elijah looks at me *we need to go*says Elijah

I open an door , is like an office. I pick up a picture, is a picture of the men that killed my parents and a little kid . Abby walks in *this his office*says Abby , I look up *did you know he had a kid*I ask *no*says Abby . She looks at the picture *a monster with a child*says Abby *I don't care , he isn't here*i say  . I walk past her *he is running*says Abby * obviously*

I walk through the halls , everywhere is blood and dead body's . I walk outside , there are 3 children and a woman , areez walks to me *they are a family*says areez . I look at them *please don't kill my children*says the woman *take my instead*says the woman while hugging her children. I walk to them *stand up *i say . They stand up *get them a horse*i say *my lady , we can't do that , they're the enemy*says a men *do you want to kill a innocent family , the real enemy runned away *i say *there still in his team*says the men . Nicholas walks to us *no and give them a horse*says Nicholas *I don't listen to you*says men *you are my army so you listen to me *I say . The men nods *give them a horse*says the men , rosemary walks to me *he is still in the building somewhere*says rosemary . I take a gun and walk to the door *what your doing*says areez *she's going after him*says rosemary *no not alone*says areez *then join me*I say and walk inside

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