( chapter 15 ) part 2

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we've come to the school *zade look horses footsteps*says nolan *fuck lets go now*i say. we walk in *help*i hear from above *lets go*i say . We run upstairs I see Rowan trying to crawl away *rowan*I say. we run to rowan *we have to go there are a lot of freaks here we have to get out of here*says rowan panicking *what happend*says zade *that girl that escaped of that group with the kids and the girl that put those men on fire. they were here but we have to go* says rowan . i hear freak sounds *lets go help him up*i say


pov damian

alijah runs into my office *sir sir the girl agian , rowan survived but the other theyre dead*says elijah . I get up *what* I say *and that one girl who had escaped she was there to*says Elijah *where is rowan*I ask *to the doctor sir*says Elijah . I nod , I walk away to the doctor

8/9 months back

*sir are you okay* says julian *sir who hurted you*says a men that i don't even know the name of *shut the hell up*i say , I stab him . julian looks shocked at me *get the doctor*i say *okay sir*says julian , he runs away . Elijah walks to me *sir are you okay*asks elijah *where my bother*i ask *he is searching for you*says elijay *uhg that stupid little boy*i say

( 2 hours back )

pov jake
i see a boy killing me brother. I'm looking at benenden , I'm going to kill them all. the group walks away. I see other people from my group running to my brother. i turn around and run away , my brother is fucking dead

(back to now)

pov damian
that girl who stabbed you and that girl who was escaped were there*says rowan *i know that what else*i say . I get up and look at the door *well we saw them in a room and well we wanted to kill them only we got into an argument and then that girl attacked me*says rowan . i look down *you stupid little fucking boys*i say *im sorry sir*says rowan . i turn around *you may be glad i like you otherwise you would be dead*i say *take him to the l cage he can stay there for 3 days*i say . i walk out of the door

pov fallen
*what did you take so long*asks nicholas *freaks and a group of men they seem to know kamila and fallen*zegt kelly *i didnt fucking know them*i say *i did *zegt kamila . ik kijk naar kamila *theyre the people that took those kids*says kamila *fuck*i say *okay uh i need to talk with kelly alone*says nicholas *fine*i say .

pov nicholas
*whats up*says kelly *i didnt tell you the reason why you had to take baby stuff back home*i say *no you didnt*says kelly *mel is pregnant*i say *what , how long did she know*asks kelly *she had a feeling for 5 weeks that she was pregnant but know we know for sure*i say *does fallen know*says kelly *no , between mel and fallen isnt going to well so melody is not gonna tell fallen so dont tell rosemary to because she will say it to fallen and than there are more problems*i say *got it*says kelly

pov sage
*shes pregnant*says kelly *i knew it*says silas *you cant tell rosemary about it*says kelly *why not*i ask *because she will tell fallen and you may have seen how it is going between melody and fallen*says kelly *right*i say *you can not tell them okay and dont tell the kids to because they will talk about it and fallen might hear it*says kelly *yeah okay*i say , kelly nods and walks away *how can i lie to my girlfriend*says silas *girlfriend , is fallen your girlfriend*i say in shock *no rose , i have asked her because we dont have a lot time , what if one of us dies i just wanna live now and not hide my love for her*says silas *this amazing but i agree is weird to lie to them*i say

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