( Chapter 23 ) part 2

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I walk inside and see that my mother sitting on the ground *oh my your alive*says my mother *are you okay*i ask . I walk to her *I just feel a little sick*says my mother *melody you should get some sleep*says William *maybe she's sick of you*i say *fallen please*says my mother *fine fine*I say . William stand up *I am going hunting fallen are you coming with me*he says looking at me . I look at me mother , I sigh *okay*I say

Pov fallen
I aim at a rabbit and shoot with my bow and hit it . The rabbit falls down *good shot I didn't know you were that good*says William *i know*i say . I walk to the rabbit and take the arrow *look there*says William . I look behind me and see a deer standing there

I aim at the deer and hit it in the head *you really have a talent*says William

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I aim at the deer and hit it in the head *you really have a talent*says William . I walk to the deer , I see that I hit it right in the eye . I take the arrow *i cant hold that deer*I say *no worries I will let's go back*says William and takes the deer

It's already dark and We are walking back to the house *I know you hate me*says William *good I hate you*I say *I just wanted to ask why*says William . I dont answer him *i know I'm not your father*he says *don't talk about my father*I say *just don't hate your mother for it*says William . I get a bit of tears *im sorry what happend to your father*says William *stop talking about my father*i say . I walk away from him

Pov Nicholas
I'm sitting next to melody and Diane sits on the other side *are they back yet*asks melody *not yet*I say *oh*says melody looking down *your tummy is getting bigger*says diane with a smile *is going so fast*says melody *did you tell fallen already*i ask *no I'm planning to tell her tomorrow*says melody *I can tell her to if you want to*I say *no she needs to hear it from me*says melody

Pov fallen
We arrive at the house *we got a deer*says William *Yaaa*says all the kids . I walk to Avery , Rosemary and Silas sits infront of us *so how did it go*asks Avery *okay I guess*I say . Milly , Esther and Mila run to us *okay so did you kill the deer or william*asks mila *mila*says Avery *what we just wanna know*says mila *sooo*says Esther *I did*I say *i told ya*says mila *mila is a witch*says Esther . They runaway *I am going to talk with mila*says Avery and walks to them *you have fans*says Rosemary *I guess so*I say *did you actually*asks Silas *yup I don't lie*I say *oh I never lie to*says Silas *if you lie you'll be the deer*says Rosemary *is that a treath?*says Silas *yup*says Rosemary with a smile

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