( chapter 7 ) part 2

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walk next to kamila *sorry*i say *is ok*says kamila *they will pay for what they did*i say *i hope the kids are still alive*says kamila *me too*i say

There are in this chapters dead children / a lot of disgusting things so you can skip this part , I did not like writing this

Pov fallen
*there* says kamila pointing at a house . we hear people screaming *let's go inside* says Nicolas . we go through the back door , we sneak into a strange room . we see a kid on a table , one man draws a circle on the boy's arm *AMANDA* the boy screams. I look at Nicolas , he understands what I mean . I sneak quietly behind a table that is closer to the man *so little boy we are going to tell you what we are going to do with you *says a men with blond hair *that circle on your arm is a sign and we have a knife, you you have 2 choices, choice 1 we cut a circle in arm very nice huh * says the men with blond hair. the boy starts to cry *YOU ARE MONSTERS*  screams a girl . the man who has drawn a circle on the boy's arm points a gun at the girl *be quiet* the man says. the blond man laughs *well the 2nd choice is we can cut off your arm* says the men with blond hair. the boy starts to cry even more .

a red hair men comes in with a girl *she tried to escape*says the man *put her on the other table*says the men with the blonde hair *NO NO*screams the girl . they tie the girl on the table . the men with the blond hair laughs *you know what draw a circle on her stomach* says the men with the blond hair. i look at Rosemary  , she looks mad and disgusted

*so little girl you have 2 choses , first choice we cut into your stomach or we kill all the children here* says the man with the blonde hair . I sneak a little closer *first boy make the choice* says the man pointing a knife at him . the boy keeps crying *SAY IT*screams the man *CHOICE 1*screams boys in tears *good very good now you girl*says the men . the girl doesn't say anything *the 2nd choice is always the best* . the men shoots a teenager *AAAAA*shout all the kids *SAY THE CHOICE*says the man to the girl . the girl freezes completely *then not he*says the man. the man shoots 2 more children. i look at nicholas , he gives me a sign and points the gun at one of the men . I grab my knife, the man wants to kill another kid, I run to him and stab it in his neck *AAAA* the man screams. Nicholas shoots the man who drew a circle on the boy's arm. Silas and Kelly keep the other men on gun point

I look at the other men *it is her*says the red hair men *keep standing there*says Nicholas pointing a gun at them . Rosemary cuts the kids on the table free *amanda*says the little boy crying running to the girl and hugging her . Kelly walks to the kids *come with me we bring you somewhere save*says Kelly . All the kids walk with Kelly to the car , *how many were that*says Rosemary *were 9 kids now 6*says the red hair men laughing . I take out my knife out the men and walk to red men *if you wanna end up like your buddy there you better shut the fuck up*I say ,  Nicholas walks to me and try's to calm me down *that's the girl that escaped*says the a other men *you rat*says the red hair men . He runs at kamila , i trow my knife at the men , it comes into his arm . He falls one the ground *AAAA*he screams , kamila looks at me *thank you*she says *lets go*says rosemary *we can't just let them go*says kamila *just go to the car i Will handle this*says Nicholas

We go to the car , Kelly is trying to calm down the kids but they're all in shock *maybe we should show them the horses*says Rosemary *are you gonna take to horses*i say , Rosemary nods and walks away . Kamila is calming the kids down . I go sit next to her trying to help calm the kids *how are you so brave*asks a girl with Red hair *well I can ask you all the same, you all been so brave*I say with a smile *you think we're brave*says a boy with red hair *I do *I say *you are all so brave*says kamila *where are we going now*asks a girl with blonde hair *to a save place*says kamila *what's your name *asks the red hair girl to me *fallen and yours*I say *my name is Esther and that's my brother allias*says Esther *cool name and what about you*I ask the other kids *my name is destiny*says a girl with blond hair *and mine is Amanda and that's my little brother billy*says a girl with brown hair *and yours*i ask *darcy*says the girl with blond hair shy , she's the kid that almost got cut into her stomach *cool names guys*I say with a smile

Rosemary comes with the horses *HORSES*scream the kids and run at the horses and start petting the horses *what are theirs names*asks Darcy *the white one is called velvet and the brown one misty*says Rosemary *cooll*says all the kids . Nicholas walks outside *lets go back*says Nicholas *okay kids go into the car*says Kelly

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