( chapter 14 )

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we are at the truck , miller puts riley behind me , rosemary gets in * do you even know how to drive these things * she asks * no idea * I say , I put my foot on the gas and we drive off . they still shoot at us but misses

Pov fallen
We arrive at bunker , miller runs to the door and try's to open it *ben help pushing*he says *on it*I hear Benjamin say from the inside . I go to Riley *rose help me*I say . We help riley up and walk inside *oh my god what happens*says Elliot . Avery walks to Freddie *dont look*she says *whats wrong*he says *rose get the stuff*I say . She walks out of the room to get it , Freddie sees riley *riley*he says . He walks to him *who did this*he says *doesnt matter they are dead*says miller *what happens* says Elliot  *they're were a group at the store that attacked us*says miller *I put them fucking on fire*i say *WHAT*say miciela and Elliot

Rosemary comes back *I have all the stuff*she says  *great* i say . Avery comes to Riley *I know how to bind wounds* says Avery , Rosemary opens the bag and gives the bag to Avery . I stand up and walk to the door *ben help me*I say . He comes and helps me close the door *Tell me what happend*says Avery *he got stabbed while trying to fight those man*says miller *sit down you're hurt*I say *oke*he says shaking *what's happening*asks mila . I take me bag *hey you know what I got I got draw stuff should we draw*I say *yess yess yess*she says happy *okay lets go upstairs*I say

*look how pretty this is*says mila *what is it*I ask *is you attack that freak , your so fucking baddas*she says . I chuckle *fallen what happens can I go downstairs*she asks . I look down *uh mila I think you should sleep*I say *im not dumb I heard what happend but is Riley okay*she asks worried *he will be don't worry*i say to her *but I am *she says *go get some sleep*I say *okay*she says *goodnight*she says *goodnight*i say

I go down stairs and see that Riley it laying on the couch that miller and I stole one time *is he okay *i ask *he will be , the stab was deep your happy that my mother was a doctor else he would die*says Avery *thank you*i say *now what happend*she asked

I tell them everything that happens *you set them on fire*says miciela in Shook *it was so baddas to see*says Rosemary *do you think they're more *asks Avery *there were 2 more I don't if they followed us*i say *oh shit*she says . I look at Riley , I see Freddie sitting by him *I feel so bad for Freddie I couldn't Imagine seeing my sister hurt*says Avery . I look back at them *I think 2 people have to stand on watch downstairs and 2 upstairs*i say *2 upstairs have guns and downstairs get the katana and 2 knifes*i say *You have a katana*saying Elliot and miciela *yeah I think rose and I going up stairs and Benjamin and*I say but Freddie interrups me * I go with Ben if those assholes come they wished they never came*says Freddie *okay*I say

I stand on watch with rose upstairs *you know I always looked up to you*says Rosemary *really*I say *yeah you know back when we were 8 and amber bullied me , you littler pushed her of the stairs for me*she says *you look up to me I pushed a girl of the stairs*I say laughing *kind of and of today it was baddas I could have never stabbed that man or set them on fire*she says *well you shoot at them and you were the one that put oil on them*i say *well you did the most , you even let them follow you I would have shit myself if I had to do that*she says . I smile *you're a great leader*she says *there are no leaders anymore*i say *well you'll would be a great one*she says . A car pulls up *are that them*she asks *I think so *I say


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