( chapter 22 )

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I walk to the rest of the group , some people are standing and some are sitting . I see Vivian cry , I walk to her *whats wrong*I ask *i-i just miss my kids is just I just hope they're still out there*says Vivian . Diane gives a sign to me that she will fix it . I walk away to the others *you look like your dead zion*says Kelly *well I am I can't sleep normally since the outbreak*says Zion *so what are we gonna vote for*says Scott *if we are gonna let the kids join us or *I look down *or kill them why the hell would we do that*says Arthur *i agree we could just let them go to*says Eden *if we let them go they'll come back to kill us*says Scott *come on do you think a group kids can kill a big group*says Ethan *you can think about it we decide in the night*i say and walk away

Pov Nicholas
It is afternoon and we are talking about the other gang that maybe try's to hurt us *I just say we kill those fuckers*says Scott *I normally don't agree with Scott but he is right those people got that littles boys father*says Kelly *thats our last problem we have first those group kids in the barn*I say *i am going to talk with them*says Scott *im coming with you making sure no kids die*I say laughing *oh fuck you*says scott

We go in *so are you are gonna fucking kill us or not*says a girl *shut up fall*says a boy *well fu* Scott interrupts them *don't talk *says Scott *so we might *I say *kill us you said that yesterday to dude if your coming here to tell all the shit agian you don't have to*says the same girl *fall just calm down*says another girl with red hair *this bullshit I'm going *says Scott and walks out . I walk out with him to


We are all eating outside because is a little hotter today *who are those people in the barn*asks Milly *friendly people*says Diane *mom can I meet them*says Milly *no*I say  *diane can you get all the kids inside*I ask . She nods *kids lets go inside is cold*says Diane *but it is warm*says Abigail *still come we might play a board game*says Diane *with food*asks timonty *yes*says Diane *YAY*they scream happy and they walk with Diane inside

I stand up *so uhm who votes to kill them*i ask . No one puts their hands on only Scott *i think they're dangerous*says Scott *we have to give them a change*says Kelly *i agree*says Jerry *the most votes goes to let them stay so they stay*i say *oh yeah wait until that girl puts us on fire*says Scott *PUT YOUR HAND UP NOW*I hear a man say *DOWN YOUR WEAPONS*says the man *do what they say*I say *now we are gonna do this the fast way or the slow one*says the man . 3 men walk inside to get to other , Diane , the teens and the kids get outside *stand there*says the man to them *dad*I hear Milly say scared *shut up*says the man infront of me

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