( chapter 18 )

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Pov Rosemary
Fall give us a sign and we go out *what now *says miciela *we can't run with riley*says Avery *than leave him*says Elliot *no we're not gonna leave anyone to those freaks*I say . Freddie and Benjamin helping riley *we are not leaving my brother*says Freddie *fuck you man*says Riley *just lets go into the woods now go*I say . We are going into the woods

Pov fallen
We run *go faster*says miciela *riley can't run*says Freddie *I was just joking*says screaming . We keep running *fall*says Rosemary ,  I see a freak . I take out my katana and chope of his head of *keep running*I scream . Rosemary trips , I stop and help her *keep running*i say

*im dying*says miciela *I think we lost them*says Avery *yeah I think to*I say *my ankle hurts*says Rosemary . Avery walks to Rosemary and looks at her ankle *I think she may have broke her ankle*says Avery *were so dead*says Benjamin *we lost them so we are okay*i say   *I'm hungry*says mila *wheres the food bag*i ask *fuck I forgot*says Rosemary *oh my okay uhm Ben and Elliot we go hunt lets go *I say  *freddie protect them okay*i say . He nods and we walk awake

I see a rabbit , I shoot the rabbit *ha one hit I bet y'all can't do that*i say *look at that rabbit*says Elliot , he shoots and hit it *you didn't told me you could shoot*i say *I know *he says *guys look a*says Benjamin pointing it at deer  *bet I can shoot it first*i say *bet*says Elliot . We both aim and shoot at the same moment , one of us hits the deer *I hited it*says Elliot *no I did*I say *no I did*says Elliot *I think Elliot shoot the deer*says Benjamin *dickheads*I say

We come back *look what we got*i say *oh my that's eating good*says Avery *do y'all know how to dress a deer?*asks miller *i do*says sage *you know everything*says Avery

Sage is dressing the deer and Elliot is learning it *so much blood*says Elliot . I go to Rosemary and Riley *heyy are you 2 okay*i ask *my ankle hurts*says Rosemary *I got stabbed*says Riley *still it hurts*says Rosemary *well I am hurting more*says Riley *fuck you* says Rosemary *fuck you more*says Riley . I chuckle and walk away


*EVERYONE WAKE UP WAKE UP*says miller *whats wrong*says Avery *freaks*says miller . I stand *fuck*I say  *how many are them*says mila *20 maybe 30*says miller *lets fucking fo*I say . I go to rose and help her with walk , *fuck*I say . The other way there a freaks to *should we give up*says Elliot *no where not gonna give up*i say *there no way to go fall*says Avery *hold her*I say . Avery helps rose .

I take out me katana and walk at the freak *fuck*says Elliot and runs to me to help me . I attack the freaks , Elliot helps to kill freaks *lets fucking go* I say . We walk away from the 30 freaks when we hear gunshots

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