( chapter 17 ) part 2

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We walk inside the store *a freak*says Nicholas *let me do it*say Scott . He walks to the freak , i trow my knife and hit the freak in the head . Nicholas and Scott look at me *you need to learn me that*says Scott *maybe*I say with a smile *who learned you that*asks Nicholas . I look down *my dad*i say . I look at Nicholas *oh sorry*says Nicholas *lets search the store*says Scott . I walk to the water aisle , I see empty bottles I still take them because the rain . I see 2 full bottles , under one of the bottles lays a note . I look at the note *we are gonna kill you fallen*

Pov Elijah
I hide behind a three *whats wrong*says a men *nothing*says fallen . Micheal comes to me *I put the note there*says Micheal *good now lets go back*I say

(2 hours ago)

Pov Damian
I sit with Elijah in my office *so you want you to go to that town with Michael just to search to medicine for rowan*i say . Elijah nods *yes sir*says Elijah . Rowan comes into the office *sir sir I have news*says Rowan . Elijah walks to Rowan *go sit*says Elijah . Elijah help Rowan to the chair *so Rowan what's up*i say *I remembered that girls name that stabbed you and killed your brother*says Rowan *say it*i say *fallen is her name sir , they're calling her fallen*says Rowan *okay Elijah if you see them in that town , put a note there . Just to give them a little sign*I say *yes sir*

(Back to now)

Pov fallen
*nick*I say . I walk to Nicholas *whats wrong fallen*says Nicholas. I give him the note *we are gonna kill you*read Nicholas out loud *do you think is them*i say *must be*says Scott *that means they're here*says Nicholas *did you see them here no so they're probably trolling us*says Scott *or not*says Nicholas *just lets take out stuff and go*says Scott

(Back at the farm)

Rosemary sees me , she gives Silas a kiss . I get a little of jealous . She walks to me and hugs me *why didn't you you were gonna leave never do that agian*says Rosemary *looks like your are not telling me stuff to*I say *what , what do you mean*says Rosemary *silas*I say . I walk pas her *come one fall I forgot to tell you*says Rosemary. I walk away from her

I go inside , I see my mother at the table . She looks sad , Esther runs to me *fallen so you wanna learn me how to ride a horse*says Esther *I can ask nick , you know what we gonna ask it him together*i say *o-okay*she says nervous. I walk with Esther to Nicholas *nick Esther here want to ask you something*I say with a smile *oh well what is it kiddo*says Nicholas *M-may fallen learn me how to ride a horse*says Esther *well I think that a great plan yes*says Nicholas *yess*says Esther happy .  She runs to the barn *ask Rosemary if she wants to take milly and mila to learning to ride a horse*says Nicholas *rosemary can't even drive normally and you want her to learn kids how to ride a horse*i say *well just ask it her okay*says Nicholas. I nod and walk away

*fallen can you help me up*says milly . I walk to milly and help her up at misty *why can't we take velvet to*says Esther *because velvet is pregnant*I say *OHH COOL*says Esther. I see Riley helping billy to shoot *wow he is actually good with kids never knew that*says Rosemary . I ignore her

 I ignore her

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