( chapter 8 ) part 2

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Rosemary comes with the horses *HORSES*scream the kids and run at the horses and start petting the horses *what are theirs names*asks Darcy *the white one is called velvet and the brown one misty*says Rosemary *cooll*says all the kids . Nicholas walks outside *lets go back*says Nicholas *okay kids go into the car*says Kelly

Pov fallen
All the kids meet the other kids , Nicholas is talking to Diane . Rosemary stand next to me *should we play with the kids , make them a little happy*asks Rosemary *sure I just need to ask nick something*I say *okey*says Rosemary with a smile , she walks to the kids . Nicholas walks past me *nick where your going you just got here*i say *fall Ill be back by dark okay I need to go to the town to get something*says Nicholas. Sages runs to me *come*says sage *okey*i say

Pov Nicholas
Scott walks to me *diane wants to talk to you*says Scott *is it serious*I ask *don't know man she seem serious*says Scott I nod .

I walk to diane *hey Scott told me you wanted to talk*I say *yeah uhm nick*says diane *whats wrong*I say *can you maybe go back into town for uh*says diane *for a pregnancy test*says diane *for you*i ask in shock *no no is uh for melody*says diane *fallens mom?*I ask *yes she's been feeling sick lately and you know she is with William*says Diane *could you just look if you find one*says Diane *okay uh I'll go right away*I say

I walk past fallen *nick where your going you just got here*says fallen  *fall Ill be back by dark okay I need to go to the town to get something*I say and I walk away

Pov Rosemary
*you are like heros*says Esther *mostly fallen she saved rose life like 10 times*says mila *yeah fallen is baddas*says milly . Fallen goes sit next to me *nick is acting al strange agian*says fallen *what happend*I ask *he was going to town for something and he didn't wanna tell me for what*says fallen *I bet my mother has something to with it is*says fallen . I look at Silas and he looks at me *probably not fall*i say . Fallens mom comes to use *fallen*says melody *fallen dont ignore me*says melody *im tired I'm going to bed*says fallen . Fallen stands up and walks away

Pov fallen
*fallen stop*says my mother *fallen*says my mother *fallen*says William . I turn around *don't ever call me that agian*I say to William *fallen act normal*says my mother *no you , you act normal . Only thing your doing is saying "oh well your dad died months ago get fucking over it" well mom I atleast cared about dad and don't you think you can ever replace him with this dickhead*I say , I start walking away agian *fallen stop you're acting crazy*says my mother I stop with walking and turn to her *yeah I'm the crazy one huh , mom if you saw him die you would be so much different*I say in tears *fallen your mother wants the best for you*says William *I said don't call my that every agian*I say *fallen stop just stop , stop acting like you're a child , I'm in love with William now . So start acting like an adult and accept that your father is dead*says me mom . I can't believe what she's saying *fine*I say with tears in my eyes , I run away *fuck fallen*I hear my mother say

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