( chapter 24 )

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The man that I just stabbed looks at me *you little shit*he says , he stabs me in my left shoulder . I scream , I stand up and try to run but the man is fast . He hits me agian *you little rat you killed my brother*he says *the one I burned or stabbed*I say *Fuck you*he says . He takes the katana and he is going to stab me but he gets shoot 5 times and falls down. Nicholas stands there , he helps me up *fallen*says a woman . I look at a woman *rosemary mom*I ask *yeah is me*says Maria *maria you know this girl*asks Nicholas *yes that's my daughter bestfriend*says Maria. I look around and everything starts to get black . The last thing I hear is *dad*says Milly

Pov Nicholas
I have the kid in my arms *put her on the table*says Jerry . I put the kid on the table *samantha take my stitching supplies*says Jerry . Diane walks to me *your okay*she asks *yeah I am*I say *oh my god is that the kid that was in the barn*says Diane *yeah*I say *you should tell her friends*says Diane *i know Maria knows this kids*I say *maria*says diana . Maria walks to us *yes*she asks *do you know that kid*says Diane *yes I do she's bestfriends with my daughter*says Maria *everyone give her space I'm gonna stitch her wound*says Jerry *diane go bring to other kids to bed everyone else give them space*i say . I walk outside , Scott walks behind me *what are you gonna do*asks Scott *tell those kid that her friend is hurt *i say *well then I come with you*says Scott *sure*I say

We go inside the barn *were dead*says miller *your not gonna die*says Scott *we just wanted to say that you get out in the morning and your friend is hurt*i say *what happens with her*says a girl *she got hurt rose*says a boy *she got stabbed by one of our enemy's , they knew her*I say *are it those guys that she set on fire*says a girl *I think so*says a boy *well go slee now *I say . I wanna walk out of the barn *wait is fallen okay*asks the same girl *she is gonna be*says Scott , we walk out of the barn

(Next morning)

Pov Rosemary
*it is morning*i say *no shit rose*says Riley *respectfully shut up riley*says Avery *oh Damnn I never heard Avery said that*says Miciela *she's turning baddas*i say *no he is a dick*says Avery *and he only brings us in problems*says Avery *i agree*says miller *shut up I think someone is walking outside*I say . We hear someone open the door , a men and a women have guns the others uncuff us *go out side*says the leader . We walk out and see 3 kids and 1 teenagers *rosey*i hear a women say . I look at the women *mom?*I say . I run to her and hug her *hengry our baby girl*says Maria *oh my*says hengry ( Rosemary father) . Henry walks to us and hugs me *mom*says sage and runs to a women and hugs her

Pov Nicholas
*mom*says another kid and runs to Eden . Kelly walks to me *I think those kids are the family's of a lot of the people here*says Kelly . All the family reunited *where is mom*asks miciela *s-she died at the start*says Ethan *oh no*says miciela in tears and hug Ethan *where the hell is our dad*says a riley *hes name is joel*says Freddie *he is out hunting he always does that*says Samantha *arent you supposed to wake up you sister*says Kelly *yeah I know sorry*says Samantha and walks into the house *wheres fallen*says Rosemary *she is still unconscious*says Maria *she can't die she saved me so many times and when she needed to be saved I wasn't there*says Rosemary and hugs her mom *is not your fault sweetie*says Maria. Scott and Kyle walks to me *we have one problem*says Kyle *those dickheads are gonna search for them , they've still have Jackson Mel and Mitchell and we need them back*says Scott *we gonna make a plan* i say

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