( chapter 13 )

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I run *HEY GUYS FREAKY ASSHOLE* I scream *DICKHEADS IM HERE *I scream *FUCKERS COME OUT*I scream . The man's see me *there she is*says a man *fuck*I say . I run away and they follow me *come here you little rat*says the man *COME GET ME ASSHOLE*I say . I go around to corner and see Rosemary see crawled on a shelf I nod to her . The man run to me . I try to turn on the lighter but it doesn't work , Rosemary trows oil of them *what the fuck* they stop with walking *boom fuckers*I say , I turn on the lighter , I tosses to the and they light on fire . They all scream , Rosemary comes to me *holy fuck*she says *what the fuck*I hear the boss say , he is on the other side

Pov fallen
I take Rosemary hand and run to our stuff  *where riley*she asks *wake up miller*I say to her . She walks to miller *miller wake up*  she says *don't move a single bit*I hear the mean say . I turn around and see the man I stabbed *how's your wound asshole*I say *shut the hell up you crazy bitch*he says *you put my man on fire *he says *you fuckers deserved it*i say . He chuckles *now your gonna get what you deserve*he says. . He shoot I put my arms before my head , I don't fee any pain or am I dead . I look and see him on the ground , I see riley standing there . Riley falls on the ground *riley*i say , I run to him *your hurt*i say *one of those dicks stabbed me*he says *we need to get you back to the bunker .

I take off my coat and tie it around the wound *ahg*he says . Rosemary walks to us *he is awake oh my*she says *rose go fast to the medical section of the store fast *i say  . She nods and runs away , I look at him *I have a question*asks Riley *what is it*I say *did you put those assholes on fire*he asks *yeah*I say *fucking baddas*he says laughing . He closes his eyes *riley*i say *riley don't fucking die*I say *holy fuck*says miller *those assholes*he says *holy fuck someone put them on fire*I hear someone scream somewhere in the story . I grab my bag *help me take him to the car*i say

He helps me *there are more*says Rosemary *yeah I know let's fucking go*I say . we quickly walk to the truck *there they are* I hear a man say. one of them shoots at us but misses . i take out my gun *shoot them*I say to rosemary *I don't know how*she says *just do it*I say . I throw the gun at her and she shoots at them

we are at the truck , miller puts riley behind me , rosemary gets in * do you even know how to drive these things * she asks * no idea * I say , I put my foot on the gas and we drive off . they still shoot at us but misses

I promise I'll make bigger chapters 🙏🙏
Anyway cliffhanger

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