( chapters 6 ) part 4

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I sit with him in the park , is like a cute picknick well it would be if it was with rosemary . Areez talks about how they made this place and how powerful they're are , I bet he hasn't even have to face a freak . He noticed that I am not listening to him *so who is rosemary*he asks *a girl*i say *a girl?*he asks *my bestfriend*i say *ooo cute , my bestfriend tried to kill me , he is now locked up*says areez *im sorry*I say *is okay he was mean almost all the time to everyone*says areez *so why is rosemary by angle*he asks *because she is taking care of her this afternoon*i say *Oo okay*says areez . Alice walks to us , I stand up *fallen I have bad new Dylan says he isn't gonna go send people for some dude*says Alice *he isn't some dude*i say *well I need areez now so you need to leave*says Alice . I walk away anoyyed
Day 6

Pov fallen
I sit with rosemary by the tables , they say they're making mine and my family tables . *no way they just said no , they're so dumb*says sage *they're are they don't know them like we do*says Benjamin *I am still going*i say *what*says rosemary *I am going to sneak out tonight and do it myself*i say *fallen that's dumb*says miciela *I was going anyway, if I had an army it would be easier*I say *im coming with you*says rosemary *me to*says sage *I am for sure to*says miciela *where she's going I am*says Elliot *thank you guys I see you tonight when the last bell rings*i say they nod


Luna walks in *I have some tea for you my lady*says Luna *you don't need to call me that I'm your friend*i say *you saved me from the men I owe you everything*says Luna *luna I have a question*i say *yes*she says *do you want to leave with me and friends to take revenge on some group*i say *my lady , friend it's dangerous to go outside of the walls , those freaks are dangerous*says Luna *you might get hurt*says Luna *I can't die of their bites*i say *please come with me , I have no idea what they'll would do with you when I'm gone*i say *okay my friend I'll will*says Luna

A girl and rosemary burst in *fallen we have a problem*says rosemary *whats wrong who's this*i say *this is Abby she saved my when I got taken*says rosemary *whats wrong*I say *I saw one of that group members here*says Abby *what*I say *I only saw one I have no idea what they're doing here*says Abby *they're here for me*i say *wait your the girl that he was aiming for*says Abby . I look down *what did you do to make him so mad*says Abby *I did stupid things at the beginning of the apocalypse but I did those things for the ones I care for and I dont regret a thing*I say *what matters now is killing Damian* i say

The last bell rings , miciela and Elliott see us and walk to us *everyone is here*says rosemary *why are we going when Damian is here*says sage *damian isn't here , he sends people , he never leaves*says Abby *a coward*i say *he is but he has a lot of dangerous men so we need to be carefull*says Abby *how do you know this*says miciela *I was with them before , I freed rosemary , when I realized he was gonna kill a baby and a family , I just couldn't stay so I left*says Abby . I look down *lets go*I say

We walk through the halls, we hear the bell ringing *wasn't the last one 15 minutes ago*says Elliot .I hear someone scream *lets look what's going on*says rosemary. Rosemary walks to the screaming, someone is crying . Alice is crying and is holding emelia in her arms , someone stabbed her . There's a knife on the ground , Abby walks to it and picks it up *it is them*says Abby *my baby*says alice . Areez walks in and sees her sister death on the ground *sister*says areez and he runs to her *these people will pay*says alice . She looks up to me *you will get your army , kill those people , hunt them down *says Alice . I nod slowly *I will thank you*i say . One of the guard and Dylan come to us *we have the men that killed her my wife*says Dylan *I want them all dead*says Alice *you will give her an army*says Alice . Dylan looks at me *okay my lover*says Dylan. Dylan walks to me *you will get 150 strong men and woman and you will find them*says Dylan *i will*i say

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