Part 3 finale

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I see a big walls and some kind of castle , I run to the gates *HELLO*i scream *IS SOMEONE THERE*I scream . This place must be huge , a young men looks over the wall *oh my HELLO*i say *there's someone here*I hear the young men say *open the gates*I hear someone say , the gates go open
5 Days later

Pov fallen
We keep walking and walking , Diane comes with the baby to fallen *you wanna hold her*asks Diane . I look at angle , I nod . I hold her *I feel bad for angle*i say *why*asks Diane *she has no father no mother nothing*I say *she has you*says Diane *how much time is there before I die , that group will hunt us down and kill me*I say *they might kill all of you*i say *don't think like that*says Diane *it is true*i say

We see a group of freaks *take out your knifes*says Scott . I give Diane the baby , I take out my knife and kill a freak , one freak attacks me, mila steps of the horse and trow the knife at the freak that attacks me . The freak falls down , I look at her and nod . They're all dead , we hear a big horn *whats that*asks Esther *lets go look at where is coming from

We see big walls and a castle *wow*says sage . There comes a young men *there is a whole group*says the young men . I hear someone say open the gates . The gates open

We walk inside , there walks a woman with a beautiful dress and the young men  to us *welcome avendelle*says the woman *avendelle*asks Esther *shh*says ellias  *that's how our city is called*says the woman . I look at Rosemary *I am Alice and this my son areez , areez will give the kids and the teenagers a looks around and the older people come with me *says the woman . I wanna walk with Nicholas *she said older people*says Nicholas I sigh .

*so here are the archers  , you can ask for lessons*says areez *we already learned something's of fallen*says Milly *well you can learn a lot here to*says areez *how did you all build this place*i ask . Areez looks at me *well my father was a builder and that's how*says areez *to build a castle like that it needs to take more then 10 years and your city build it in 2 or 3 years I think that's nearly impossible*i say *my father has a lot of strong men*says areez . I nod and look at the big castle *is like a dream*says Esther *do you have brothers or sisters*asks Darcy *I have 2 little sisters and 3 little brother one older sister and a baby sister*says areez *why so many*asks Milly *so we can keep the city standing after my parent are old*says areez *how many people are here*i ask *you should ask my mother about that I don't really know*says areez *how old are you*asks areez *I just became 17*says areez
. We hear a bell ring *follow me , we are going to eat*says areez

We walk into a very big hall *am I dream , dracy slap me I think I'm dreaming*says Esther. Dracy slaps her *ouch well I'm not dreaming*says Esther . Rosemary walks to me with angle *here*says Rosemary. I hold angle *it will be okay*says Rosemary *I feel weird about this place is like they trying to make it a dream place while the outside is not*i say *they've have a lot of men , probably fighters to , with them we can destroy him*says Rosemary *you're right*I say .

We sit at the table , everyone is talking and eating , Rosemary gives angle baby food *shes so cute*I hear the woman say . She walks to the baby *what's her name*asks Alice *angle*i say *a pretty name for a pretty girl*says Alice . Alice walks back to her table where her children and husband sit *this place is weird*I say *is weird but beautiful*says sage *is like old times*says miciela *this not like old times*says Benjamin *it is like old old times you know when they had everywhere castles *says miciela

We are done with eating *new group my son areez is gonna show your rooms*says Alice *follow me*says areez . We walk with areez *is your mother some kind of qeeun*i ask *you can call you that if you want to but the people choose to call her that , for me she's just mom*says areez *you can choose your own room*says areez *fallen will you follow me you have a special room*says areez , I look at Rosemary

I walk inside a room with angle , there's a beautiful bed and with a crib *this will be your room is not far away from the others but I think it will be okay*says areez *thank you*i say . He nods and walks out . I lay angle in her crib , I see a sleeping clothes on the bed , I take of my shirt. Something hurts on my arm , I look at my arm and I see a bit , a freak bite

Ending part 3 with a cliffhanger is the best

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