( chapter 12 )

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I'm searching for the other but I can't find them *miller*I say *rose*i say . I look around *where the fuck are they*i say . If there would be a freak and they got bit I would have heard it *i swear if Riley talked you in for doing some prank I am gonna hurt you*I say . I walk around to corner to see miller and Riley on the ground unconscious , there are 4 men 2 are holding Rosemary . I pull out my gun to shoot *I would not do that little girl*says a man behind me holding a gun to me head

Pov fallen
*what the fuck do you want from us*i say *put ur bag down* says  the man  *what the fuck do you want*I say *just drop it*says Rosemary crying *yeah listen to your friend*says the man *what the fuck do you want *I say again *dont fuck with me little girl *says the man . He loads his gun , I close my eyes *drop it*says the man . I drop the bag *take the bag*says the man to the others , I feel that I still have a knife in my pocket *drop the gun and turn around*he says . I drop the gun and turn around *what a pretty girl are you*says the man I look disgusting at him . He comes closer to me , he put his hand on my cheek , I look the other side . Riley makes a sound , i look at him , I see that the man is not looking at me . I take my knife and stab the man *dickhead*I say . Rosemary bites one of the guys and stomps on the other man food and runs. I take the knife out him and run away *you to go 2 go after that chick that stabbed me*I hear the man say

I hide behind a aisle *that girl is ducking dead*I hear a man say , i see Rosemary . I walk to her *are you okay*i whisper *I am*says Rosemary *what should we do*she asks *i-i don't know*i say . I look around and see oil *do you still have the lighter*I ask *yeah here*she gives my the lighter *okay so I am gonna lead the man here you're gonna trow oil on them and I am*I stop whispering *okay I get it go be safe*she whispers I nod

I run *HEY GUYS FREAKY ASSHOLE* I scream *DICKHEADS IM HERE *I scream *FUCKERS COME OUT*I scream . The man's see me  *there she is*says a man *fuck*I say . I run away and they follow me *come here you little rat*says the man *COME GET ME ASSHOLE*I say . I go around to corner and see Rosemary see crawled on a shelf I nod to her . The man run to me . I try to turn on the lighter but it doesn't work , Rosemary trows oil of them *what the fuck* they stop with walking *boom fuckers*I say , I turn on the lighter , I tosses to the and they light on fire . They all scream , Rosemary comes to me *holy fuck*she says *what the fuck*I hear the boss say  , he is on the other side

A short one but a fire one literally fire
And more cliffhanger <3

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