Lived, Laughed, and Lost

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Annabeth POV

*One year later*

Silena was a year old and she reminded me of her dad every day, his eyes, that troublemaker smile, and the love for everything blue, I heard him in her laugh and saw him in her little baby antics. I was Sitting down on the porch swing of the house that Percy and I always talked about buying. It was on a beach away from the gods somewhere safe to raise Silena like he always wanted. I looked up at the stars and the beautiful constellations "Bob says hello" I said

"What are you doing out here all alone?" A smile made its way to my face. I looked to the door, seeing my Seaweed brain in the frame, a blanket in his arm, and two steaming mugs in his hands. "Talking to the stars," I said "You've done that every night since the war," he said setting the mugs on the railing in front of us sitting and then sitting beside me and spreading the blanket across our legs. It was true enough though I talked and thanked the stars and the Gods every night that Percy lived that day. It was truly a miracle, something I was grateful for, so every night I told the stars hello like he told me to.  Simply to remember that he was still here with me and he wasn't going anywhere.

"How was Silena to put down?" I asked there was no doubt in my mind she was a daddy's girl , she had him wrapped around her finger and she knew that, it was like she knew he almost died because she clung to him like letch. "Oh you know story after story" he chuckled she may only be a year but she was a descendant of Athena and it showed she was smart like a whip about the only she got from me beside the blond hair, she developed fast and could form a pretty good sentence form time to time but it was pretty much the same words mommy, daddy, blue,food, story and etc, etc she was precious. "Yeah and you can't say no to her" I laughed "Like you can". He replied he wrapped his arm around me and I curled into his side and took a sip of the substances that was in the mug hot chocolate somethings never change. I set the mug back down and wrapped my arms around his middle and had my head on his chest, he did the same to me and putting his chin on the top of my head I breathed in his salty smell, the smell that ment home to me. I thought of the moment where I seen him washed up on the beach as I normally do "How did you make your way back to me?" I asked looking at the water he knew what I was talking about he kissed my head before resuming his position 

"the gods work in mysterious ways" He replied 


No nightmares just a blissful sleep, I woke up to the sunlight shining through the windows. I smelled breakfast but stayed in bed want to stay in this perfect morning like I did every morning.

I didn't have to lay there long I heard the door creak open. Percy walked balancing a tray of food in one hand and held Silena on his hip with the other one. He sat the tray on the nightstand.

I looked at my little family sitting on the bed. Percy sat Silena in front of us and we did everything we could to make her laugh. As much as the fates out us through some terrible crap I'd thank them everyday for all this right here, They did something right. Percy then gave me the tray filled with Blue waffles and bacon I sure did love my Seaweed brain. "So I was thinking about going in the water today. Are you good with that?" Percy asked as I smiled at him. "Of course I have to finish up a project for the firm but it shouldn't take more than an hour and I'll join you" I replied. He kissed me and then pulled away "Sounds great!" I smiled a smile that'll never leave my face not as long as Percy was beside me and I know that was forever, I've deep down In Elysium I'll smile when Percy and I both arrive to live out forever.

I now looked out of Percy's and my bedroom window watching my husband play in the water with Silena, her little blond hair flying in the wind. She had a smile on her face every time her dad threw her up in the air then caught her. I looked down at seeing the + sign and a smile made its way to my face.

He's an amazing husband but an even better dad and he'll be one again.


you  didn't really think I'd kill him off did you? If so trust me that was nothing easy to write Hope you  enjoyed sorry  it's short It's hard to think of a long happy ending. One more chapter.

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