
18 0 0

Percy POV

The time of the war was coming closer and closer and the threat was still in the back of our minds of course we didn't do anything about it which doesn't help me sleep well but we never got another threat which doesn't make this easy. With Annabeth well showing it seems as the months pass by the more monster seemed to try and attack of course after the first fight I was benched by Annabeth and the rest of our friends I let Jason take the leader role till they let me back which won't be till the actual war all am allowed to do is train otherwise am in the cabin with Annabeth when an attack happens I now know how it feels when I tell her to do something and she hates and she pretty consistent on rubbing it in. But with all the time in the cabin we had a pretty good layout for all the baby's stuff we even had most of them sitting in a box in their spot, I said I could assemble them by myself but Annabeth was set on having at least Leo helping not wanting it to fall apart when our kid is in it. I wanted to act hurt when she said but I knew she was right but I didn't give her that satisfaction.

The Cabin had baby stuff all over we had a baby shower not to long ago so we basically had everything  we need. Annabeth favorite was a rocking chair gifted from the whole Hephaestus cabin. She spent a lot of time sitting in it and reading.

For once the day was chill Leo had came to help me put the crib together and Annabeth sat in her chair watching us. Her feet where starting to kill her and it seemed that the baby was always kicking as much as I loved to feel it, Annabeth was get restless with the pain and not being able to do a lot of simple things.

It was quiet and Annabeth had gotten bored watching us and started to read. the quiet didn't last long before the door literally blasted opened I shocked it stayed on the hinges. Turning to see what the problem was to my surprise Thaila came bursting through lighting and all. "Where is she" she beamed it was the happiest I seen her in possible ever. Annabeth seemed to ignore the noise and kept reading probably passing it off as young camper making trouble. Thaila spotted Annabeth and walked over to her and grabbed the book out of her hands "hey" Annabeth barked before looking up she smiled "Thaila" she said in surprise "hey Annie" she said "I wouldn't piss off the pregnant lady not a smart idea" I said Annabeth gave me her famous death glare and I just smiled at her "Let me see you" Thaila said "Help me up first" Annabeth said reaching out her hands. Thaila pulled her up into a hug "I can barely hug you" Thaila said after pulling away. "I know imagine walking around like this" Annabeth laughed sitting back down Thaila chuckled.

"So you know the gender got any names picked out"" She asked "we want it to be a surprise but  definitely after one of our friend's"  Annabeth replied "meaning we can't agree on one" I added in. Annabeth glared at me and I just shot her back a grin. "So how long are you staying for" I asked "Well with the prophecy the war on the rise, that threat you two received and Annie here being pregnant a while" "What about the hunt?" Annabeth asked "lady Artemis went silent with the rest of gods" She shrugged "the rest of the hunter's went looking for her but I came here thinking you could use some help plus I wanted to see you both before you becomes parents"

"Well that appreciated we're starting battle strategist in the next day while we still got Annabeth plus it's time we pull a few pins out of that threat that was made" I said "Sounds good I'll see you later now I have to go find my brother" With that she took to door and left. and after another hour we had the crib, changing table all set up and in its place. 


I swear I'm getting deja vu, I'm fifteen all over again standing around the ping-pong table with maps and figures just and a perfect plan at the ready but this isn't the scenario anymore and am currently not fifteen. I feel my mind drifting back to the day when I had read my prochey out loud the prophecy I wasn't supposed to survive. I wasn't supposed to live past sixteen but let alone make it to twenty-three be married with kid on the way yet I made it this far and I didn't want  to give it up. The fates just seem to like playing with my string and just dragging out my life a little bit more they were cruel that way if you told me six years ago when I was standing around this exact table I would have to do it again twice I wouldn't have believed you thinking the fates weren't that cruel but I was sure wrong yet if you told me eleven years ago that I had married they Annabeth Chase and we had a kid I would have laughed in your face and walked away. I was thankful for who the fates put me with just not how we got there.

I looked around the table seeing my closet friends I've made over the years preparing for yet another fight that could possibly end their lives. I looked to my right where Annabeth sat on a chair her gaze focused on the paper and eyes caulating. I originally didn't want her putting this stress on herself but I'd being lying if I said we could make this up without her so I didn't fighter on it but once the baby born she's off completely.

Now I know planning for something  we have no clue where is going to take place isn't idle but we have no other choice if you don't have some line of action it's basically signing your death. "now have no idea how many forces there'll be which isn't great but if we put the our first line of defense say twenty Have about fifteen Apollo kids in the air to cover us an-"Annabeth cut herself off grunting in pain 

"you okay?" I asked she just nodded her head "Yeah baby's just kicking or something" she then continued but stopped again with another grunt but sharper.  "Annabeth how long have these kicks been going on?" Will asked "every few minutes there probably just braxton hicks contraction I've read on it's fine" she says "maybe you should go lay down and take it easy you're close enough you shouldn't put this strain on yourself" Will said which I was glad for it's actually what I wanted her to do but didn't want to say anything. 

I didn't think she would agree but to my surprise she got up and walked out the door not wanting to make a scene in front of everyone. I followed her leaving everyone to continue for being seven months pregnant and how much she complains about her feet killing her she's moving pretty fast which meant she was probably pissed off. I stayed a few feet behind her to give her space she hated being smothered we didn't talk the whole way to our cabin which made me wonder if even knew I was behind her.  

When we got in the cabin she didn't say anything just went to the bed and laid down I knew for sure she was ticked off so I simply steered clear from the bed to let her cool of I took the opportunity to look through some of the little cloths that were laid out in some spots. I still couldn't believe this was real and I had no idea how many times I thought that, but the love of my life was having my baby and it always made me smile. I turned around to see Annabeth on her back with a hand on her forehead and her eyes closed. I walked over and layed on my side face her putting my hand on her stomach. Everything we went through lead up to this moment and I wouldn't change a thing. 

She removed her hand from her forehead and put over mine I loved it, it was simple but so us. Our love language was mostly touch it could be the simplest thing from a hand on the shoulder to just a kiss on the forehead I loved this woman she was the love of my life I wouldn't die for anyone else but her and she knew that. She still hasn't said anything and that was fine I could lay here just like this for hours and that what we did we didn't have to talk because we didn't need to we knew exactly what the other felt.


getting close to the big moment if there is some wrong the pregnancy anglley or something am sorry but am an eighteen year old with no clue in the department and am using google to the best of my abilities but is been 6 six years since I was around a pregnant person full time. hope  you enjoyed this.

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