Don't do this to me

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Annabeth POV

I don't know how long I stood there watching the door that Percy had just walked out of. I was barely aware when Rachel and Calypso came in all I wanted to do was stand there and watch the door. At some point in time I ended up in my rocking chair with Silena in my arms kept replaying the moment I kissed Percy goodbye telling him over and over to be careful and come home. It seemed like days since I watched him walk out that door even though it's been a few hours or something like that. I hated not being with him and not watching his back. He needed me just as much as I needed him. Still sitting in my rocking chair with Silena in my arms I watched her peacefully sleep, I didn't have any intention of putting her in the crib. Rachel and Calypso sat on the bed and flipped through Percy's and mine wedding photos trying to occupy the time that dragged on. I swear I looked at the door every few minutes and Rachel noticed. "It'll be okay Annabeth," She said but it didn't convince me one bit. Where was Piper and her charm speak when you needed her? "I know but something doesn't feel right" The last time I felt that was when I took that knife for him but I was there and saved him then.

"I am sure everything is fine," Rachel said I didn't respond I got up and set Silena in her crib something made me look at the window a nagging feeling in the back of my head. I looked through the passed the curtain and cried I was fast to the door throwing it open. The moment I reached him, I dropped to my knees and rolled him on his back to remove his armor. A cut went through his lower abdomen, the part that wasn't covered by his armor. The water must have done something but it couldn't heal him all the way not when it went the whole way through. I pressed my ear to his chest a heartbeat so faint you would presume he was dead or maybe he already was "Come on Seaweed brain you can't leave me not yet" I cried "Please, please" I sobbed "RACHEL GET SOME AMBROSIA, AND NECTAR IT'LL BE IN MY NIGHTSIDE TABLE" I yelled I couldn't let him go I had to try. I caressed his cheek in my hands and stroked it with my thumb like he does to me in the morning waiting for me to wake up, I couldn't let him go I need him. Rachel came and ran to Percy's other side and handed me the Ambrosia. I split it in half and stuffed it in his mouth, and made him chew it. Nothing, not a groan or a twitch. I held my hand out and Rachel gave me the nectar and I dropped some nectar down his throat. "Rachel go to the infirmary and get anything and everything you can" She nodded and took off. "Come on Seaweed brain come back to me" I leaned down and kissed him. He was still warm and he hadn't died yet. I wasn't in a rush to pull away I was afraid if I did it'd be the last time I'd ever feel his lips.

When I did come up for air I rested my forehead against his I held my hand in his and squeezed it wanting him to so desperately to squeeze back with my hand intertwined on his chest I could feel the small breath that was barely there "I love you so much" I kissed his forehead. "Touching truly is" I looked up to see Luke his sword at Rachel's neck his face was void of expression. "Luke let her go" I reached into Percy's pants pocket hoping Riptide was there to my luck it was. I slipped the pen into the sleeve of my sweater and stood up "What happened to you?" He asked "You used to never be so weak now look at you" I fought the urge to lunge at him right then and there with Rachel in his grasp it wasn't safe I couldn't get her killed. I darted around camp and no one came to the realization that we were alone, where were the guard's? and how did he get past everyone else? No one knew he was here no one was coming to help. I gripped the pen in my hand "Luke let her go" A smile was made on his face "I'll make you a deal I'll give you her and you give me your baby" "Not going to happen" I knew if I pushed I fight I'd lose I did have the strength in me anymore not sense having Silena, I had to stall him till someone came or possible reason with him which I doubt would happen I hated doing both.

"You're a widow now Annabeth you've lost let me take the pain away you can join him you know in Elysium live out forever with each other you won't even be aware of what'll happen out here you can live your happily ever after," He said I could hear it in voice we was manipulating me tried to make it sounds like giving up was a good thing. I was really hoping Calypso has seen the exchange going on out here and took Silena away I could only hope. I wouldn't lose her to I simply wouldn't. I looked down behind me where Percy lay and appeared not to be breathing I was falling apart on the inside I hoped that was still part of him gripping to life I needed time I didn't have "Luke what happened to you is this really what you want to destroy everything" I asked I kept my voice calm but I could feel the sobs in the back of my throat waiting to be let out.

He saw right through me my plan of decoy, and he pressed his sword tighter to Rachel's throat I saw a trickle of blood run down the rest of her neck. "Don't even try to talk your way out of this Annabeth I'm simply here for daughter now I want you to take me to her no surprises" his voice was cold, my hand was shaking I could only hope Calypso did hide. I tried to make my voice sound calm and confident "Okay". I looked down at Percy one more time memorizing his face it might be the last time I'd see him I tear slipped down my cheek but I didn't swipe it away.

In an effort to think of a plan, I slowly moved toward the Poseidon Cabin. It was as if someone was on my side. We hadn't gotten five feet before Percy groaned I wasn't the only one who was shocked, Luke was caught off guard enough that Rachel slipped out of his grip. He recovered fast but I had enough time to position myself in front of them. Having uncapped Riptide, I pointed at him directly. Luke always had seven years on me, so I knew I couldn't beat him. Before Percy, Luke was the best swordsman practicing for years he had built the strength to always upper hand his opponents especially me and still does but I couldn't let this go without a fight I will always try no matter the outcome. "Be smart about this Annabeth you know you can't win" Luke said I raised Riptide higher "No but I have to try" "I always knew your hubris would get you killed I just never thought I'd be the one to do it" He lunged first and I barely deflected it. Our sword's kept colliding over and over but I was getting sloppy and sloppier, using a sword was never my area of expertise and it shows. I kept trying to put a plan together. I had one advantage: I was smaller than him. Luke's rage was getting the better of him he wasn't using his head not thinking clearly but my mind was clear the thoughts and possibilities swimming in my brain not resting at all. I analyzed his movement he didn't have a plan any longer he was simply just going to use force to get to his destination but what a wrong move whiling facing a daughter of Athena. An idea formed in my head, his sword was pushing Riptide closer and closer to my chest. That was the perfect opportunity. I backed out and ducked under his sword and moved way behind him. I plunged Riptide the same place where he had hit Percy, He fell instantly to his  knees then laid out on his back I watched as he coughed up blood. I was brought back to all the years ago when he had stabbed himself to save Olympus. I had cried then but now not a tear didn't even fall as I watched him struggle for his life.

I turned and walked back to Percy when Rachel called my name. I sat on my knees beside him. I looked down at him, seeing his eyes open and looking at me. I caressed his cheek in my hand. "Hey," I whispered for only him to hear. "Hey," he replied. His voice was rough. "Did we win?" He asked as I nodded my head. "Yeah, we won it's over." He replied with a slight nod before taking a sharp breath. I now remembered the major hole in his lower gut and worry setting back in my bones. "You're going to be okay Seaweed brain you're not getting away from me that easily," I said he gave me a chuckle even though I could tell it was hurting him "You can't fix everything Wisegirl," he said as he started to cough I saw blood coming out of his mouth. If possible my heart was breaking more I looked at the hill and watched slowly as everyone started to come through "Rachel go find Will" She didn't say anything just took off running I looked back down at my Seaweed brain to see him already looking at me "It's okay Wise girl" he said I started to cry he whipped the tears the best he could "Please don't leave me" I sobbed "All you have to do is look up at the stars you know what to say" he said in such a quiet voice, I didn't realize that our friends were gathering around us "I love you so much" I said as the tears flowed down my face "I love you more" His hand went rigged it fell from my face as I cried harder in his chest I hadn't cried so hard in years. 

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