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Percy POV

For once Silena slept through the night and yet I still got up early and left the cabin I was still a little pissed from last night so I went to one place that always seemed to calm me the beach. 

This time of the day, when no one was awake at camp, was the best time to think no one to interrupt, no one to bother you just me and my thoughts something I so desperately need. Sure Annabeth I bicker all the time we always did but it was a playful bicker, While dating we never really had fights that ended in us not talking to each other, When we did it was small and the other would apologize in an hour or two and we never went to bed mad nor had I ever left her in bed like that it seemed like my happy ending was falling apart.

"Why are you out here so early?" I looked over to see a familiar redhead making her way toward me. "Hey Rachel how are you?" I asked as she sat down beside me "I can't complain" She  said I nodded my head and just stared at the water "How are you?" she asked nudging my shoulder "Stressed" I said not taking my eyes of the water "I see, I would be to with a procheyy like that hanging over my family heads" "Yeah can't quite catch a break" I huffed she gave me a sad smile after a while of silence we slipped into a conversation it felt like I did years ago when I first started to hang out with her one thing about Rachel was that she was always easy to talk to. We laughed about good time or those two weeks after the first war I found myself forgetting why I was even out here in the first place. Before we know it the horn for breakfast as blown and we slowly made our way to the pavilion. 

Everyone was at the Poseidon table like usual everyone beside Annabeth and Thalia, I figured we both needed the space so I didn't go to get her she probably wanted to be alone anyways as for Thaila she was probably in shock from seeing Luke. No one seemed to notice or they did and didn't say anything either way I was appreciated I didn't think anyone needed to know that Annabeth and I were fighting. They didn't bring up last night either which I was thankful for as well but I knew there was going to be a meeting to discuss it. It was going to go well camp wasn't ready to know that Luke Castellan was back.

I had half excerpted to for the meeting to be after lunch that way I could still have some space but Chiron announced the meeting the moment breakfast was over so here I was in the rec room around the ping pong table. Everyone waiting for Annabeth and Thaila to show up we didn't have to wait long Thaila strolled in Annabeth fresh on her heels which made me think that they were together, Annabeth must have gave Silena to Katie because she was empty handed. The both of them stood on the side of the table avoiding my eyes this didn't go unnoticed by anyone that Annabeth wasn't standing beside me everyone gave weird looks now know something was up but they all choose to keep their mouths shut.

Chiron cleared his  throat "well we all have more disering thing  to accomplish today so let's dive in shall we. What happened in the Empire state building?" "This isn't going to be easy and no one going to like this" I said Chiron nodded at me to continue "Luke Castellan is alive" Annabeth said cutting straight to the point she knew I was going to drag this out. The room broke into gasped and mummers the only one confused would be the seven who weren't around at the time. 

"Alright everyone quiet down" Chiron said  making everyone shut up "Are you sure?" he asked "Condiring we had an unpleasant conversation with him I'd say yes" Thaila said "How is that possible dead people don't magically show up after eight years" Nico said "He said he'd skip the what and how so it as much as a mystery to us as it is to you" Grover said 

"What did he want" Clarissa asked "He offered us a deal and said he was repaying a debt to me" I said "What kind of deal?" Chiron asked "We wanted us to join him saying he could keep Silena safe and we could have a new image and destroy the gods because they didn't have little hope left"  I countied "Why, I mean we all know this war is solemnly because of your daughter but why does he want her" Jason asked I knew he and zero clue who Luke was but he was reading into the situation and did put a good question. "The prophecy says it's self" Annabeth says making everyone look at her. So now she wants to talk about I thought "Silena being born caused this war and she'll be the one to end it. The prey killing the predator an innocents blood, Her blood can kill the Gods, a Greek legacy with the inheritance of one of the big three. She'll be an enteral light either bright or dark"She said not looking at me at all. "That's why every monster wants her, to take her and use her to kill the gods do something no one has ever done before the impossible" Jason said, no one  said anything I was mad why didn't she tell me this she was just as much my daughter as her's. The meeting was soon adjourn everyone existed and went to process the thought that the very thing to kill the gods was in this camp. I went to my cabin determined to get answers out of Annabeth the moment I got there I seen her over the crib not aware to my presents. I made a notation of shut the door loud enough to get her attention she jumped in the process

"Why on god's name of earth would you keep something that from me" I snapped "You were gone this morning when I woke up what was I supposed to do track you down I'm not a dog Percy if you wanted to know so god damn badly you could have stuck around instead you chose to have a nice catch up with Rachel" She snapp " GOD WHAT IS WITH YOU AND THAT I THOUGHT YOU GROW UP ABOUT HER AND YOU COULD HAVE JUST EASILY TOLD ME LAST NIGHT BUT YOU  SHUT ME OUT" I yelled "DON'T YOU FRICKIN DARE TELL ME ABOUT GROWING UP I FELT  HOW YOU TENSED UP WHEN YOU SEEN LUKE AND I WAS STILL TRYING TO PROCESS IT AS WELL DO YOU THINK ANY OF THAT WAS EASY FOR ME, MY HEART WAS BASICALLY BREAKING PERCY" She yelled "WE COULD HAVE WENT THROUGH THAT TOGETHER WE SUPPOSED TO BE A TEAM" I yelled "I'M NOT EVEN SURE WHAT WE ARE ANYMORE" She  yelled back

 It was quiet for a moment "you're right till me when you figure it out" I said taking off my ring and placing it on the dresser and walking out and slamming  the door behind me. 


Nobody knows how hard that was to write for me I love these two and it felt so unnatural ugh.

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