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Percy Pov

It's been a month since Annabeth and I got engaged, and Annabeth has got a lot of ideas so we are currently at my mom and Paul's apartment.

"Okay, first off we need a date. So it's currently July, and it'll take a while to get everything we want together, I estimate a month at best seeing as we already have a location, so it'll be sometime in August " Annabeth said 

"Whatever makes you happy Wise girl," I said I didn't care what we did as long as Annabeth says I do I would marry her anywhere and besides you really don't have to put much work in when your fiancé is a daughter of Athena and the best strategist I just nodded along to whatever she said.

"So how about the seventh?"

"I'm happy if your happy!" 

She smiled kissed my cheek and walked into the kitchen where a whole bunch of color themes were laid out . "blue and silver or blue and white?" she asked 

"Definitely blue and silver the silver will bring out your eyes" I said 

"That's what I thought too okay, thank you" She said.

Annabeth kept working on wedding, humming along while moving papers around I stayed on the couch and turned on tv turning on some ocean documentary. I must of dozed off because Annabeth was shaking me awake "Seaweed brain".


"Go to bed."

I got up walked to my old room and climb into bed a few minutes later I felt the bed shift, indicating that Annabeth climb in I rolled over and draped an arm over her waist pulling her into my chest, the both of us falling into a blissful sleep.

The next day Annabeth and I were sending out our invitations, which let me tell you is a long and boring  process. It was the same thing all over again. The card was a beautiful blue in grey writing that said 'you are invited to the wedding of Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson, August seventh at 1:00 pm at Camp-Half  blood'.  We kept going down the list putting the cards into envelopes labeling with names. My hand was starting to cramp and we we're only half way through. "Wise girl my hand is hurting" I complained.

"Quit complaining Seaweed brain we're half way done"

I whined and kept repeating the same process  and after another hour we finally finished "Gods that took forever." I said.

She chuckled "Quit your whining and put your shoes on" 

We both slipped on our shoes and grab the pile of invitations walking to the closest mailing box. We put in our invitations then decided to get something to eat. 

We walked into this little dinner and sat down and order I had a cheeseburger with fries and a coke and Annabeth order a grilled cheese with a side of fries and a lemonade. Before long our food was delivered and we started eating. I have alway loved my relationship with Annabeth it may have been awkward going out with your best friend at first but soon we figured out that it really wasn't that all different and those silent moment weren't awkward but comfortable.

"When are going dress shopping?" I asked

"I was thinking in a week or two. Thalia coming out in a week so probably sometime then".

I just nodded my head and kept eating. After we finished eating we head back home and crashed on the couch for an hour before getting back to the preparations.

We both crashed on my bed exhausted from the planning this wedding was going to be one no one would forget.


short chapter I know they will get  longer and better just bare with me 

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