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Annabeth's POV

Late! am late. It's been a month since I've been married and now am currently sitting in the bathroom in the Poseidon cabin. Percy had to go teach a swordsmanship class and should be done in an hour. I was freaking out I didn't want to go get anybody because if it was what I think it was it would cause a breakout across the camp and the less to know the better. I walked over to some of the wedding gifts that were merely meant as gags at the time but there was one that could come in hand now as I dug in the box and pulled out a small rectangular box before heading back into the bathroom.

I lay on my back just staring at the wall. I got lost in thoughts barely hearing the timer go off I pressed the off button before slowly making my way to the bathroom my whole body shaking with nerves. When I walked up to sinking and grabbed the stick my hands that were shaking like crazy I could barely read the little positive sign but it was there the little + that indicted I'm pregnant I was caring the first Greek legacy in many Millenia's I was pregnant with Percy Jackson child, the child destiny to destroy or save the world before it's first birthday. I let out a little sob that held more than one meaning Happiness ,fear, worry. This was inevitable I knew that but I thought we'd have a few years but today we starts the journey to the day of war.

I was tucked in bed reading an architecture books not really feeling the best to go and eat but I knew with me not there that Percy was going to come in any second to my prediction The door creaked open and Percy came in with a worried look on his face "Hey Wisegirl you weren't at lunch everything okay?"

"Just not feel the best that's all" I smiled He walked up "That bug came back?" "Something like that but it's not going away for a while" He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion before I dug into the night stand I pulled out the test I had wrapped in paper before handing it to him. He slowly unwrapped the paper stopping when the test was showing he stayed very quiet just staring at the test I started to panic thinking he changed his mind about kids after getting some knowledge about the child's destiny. He looked up at me with the biggest smile he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his lap "That's great Wise girl!" He then pressed his lips to mine and gave me a firm kiss when we pulled away Percy rested his hand on my stomach stroking it lightly with his thumb like he did the first time we talked about this. "You're not upset?" I asked he looked him dead in the eyes "Why in Hades would I be upset" he asked "I thought after knowing what our child would go through you didn't want kids anymore"I said looking away from him he removed his hand from my stomach and put in under my chin "Hey Annabeth look at me" I did as he said "yes am scared this child isn't even born yet and I'm worried to death but seeing the dream with you holding that little girl my dreams didn't waver for second I want this no matter what it causes I'll fight every monster again if it meant it'll grow up happy we'll win this war just like the last, then we'll call a permatey strike on the gods okay" I nodded my head he kissed my forehead and I rested my chin on his shoulder he moved us around so that we were both lying on our sides we covered us with a blanket curling up to him I felt my eye getting tired and I shut my eyes.

I woke up to Percy running his hand through my curls "Hi" I smiled "Hey have a good nap?" I nodded my head. "What time is it?" I asked "about one-thirty" he said looking at the alarm clock on his nightstand "Can we keep this quiet for a while I want to enjoy this before everyone goes into freak mode?" "Of course our secret for a while" he said kissing my forehead "But you know you can't fight right or train" "I know" I mumbled "We'll come up things to tell people later right now I want to enjoy the afternoon with my favorite girl"

"What do you have in mind?" I asked

"Well I want to take you out into the city have a wonderful dinner then maybe stop and see my mom"

"Sounds wonderful" I said okay we'll leave in two hours but I did promise I'd help Frank and Will with archery" I snorted "you and archery don't go well together" "I know I know but when Frank asked I couldn't say no to him" I laughed "your such a softy" Percy mocked being hurt "I am not I'm a very serious and tough man" he said place his other arm over his heart which made me laugh even harder tears came to my eyes I was laughing so hard "You know your going to be such a great father right?" he got quiet and his body going rigid I looked up at him with confusion "What?" "nothing" he says playing it off "no Percy tell me" I pleaded with him, he let out a sigh "how do you know i'll be a good father" he said with so much worry "Why wouldn't you be?" I asked "Because I didn't know my father till I was twelve even then he wasn't around. I grow up around smelly Gabe who was a drunk abusive man they say the abused becomes the abuser and Paul came into my life when I was what fourteen-fifteen I love him a dad I do but I didn't need him as much as a teenger then I would if I was a child so how am I supposed to give my own kid that if I never experienced myself".

"Percy look at me" he did as he was told so I continued "don't ever thinking you're going to be a terrible father or a bad husband because I can assure you that you aren't and beside we both may be lacking in parental knowledge but we have so many people around us now to help us out Sally ,Paul, Chiron, even our friends, you are going to love the baby with all your heart I know you are and there is one thing that your definitely are not and that is mean so don't doubt yourself and don't forget the best part we have each other" He nodded his head and pressed a kiss to my forehead "Thanks Wisegirl" "Your welcome Seaweed brain love you" " Love you too"


It's been a while since Percy and I had gone on a date it was nice just driving in Percy's old blue Prius into the city I knew the peace wasn't going to last long with me being pregnant and a war on the rise I just enjoyed the sound on the radio watching the trees passing by my hand in Percy's. "So where are you taking me?" "you'll see" He smiled. The city came into view and in ten minutes Percy pulled up to my favorite Italian restaurant that we used to come to all the time when we went to school. a smile crept upon my face "I thought you'd like it" He smiled I turned to look him giving him a quick kiss over the console "you're the best" I smiled "I know" he then slide out the his door making his way over to mine and opened the door as I slide out door standing beside him we made our way into the restaurant.

We walked in the restaurant and up to the waiter "Do you have a reservation?" "Yes under Jackson" Percy said she took a second looking in at the computer "Percy Jackson?" "Yup" he replied she smiled "great follow me" she took us to a table in the corner where you had an amazing view of the city as we sat down and handed us each a menu "Can I start you off with some drinks?" Percy looked me indicting me to go first "I'll have a lemonade please" she wrote it down and turned to Percy "I'll have a coke" "Sure thing I'll be back with that in a moment" She then walked up and I opened my menu. "What are you getting" I asked "um I'm thinking about the fiorentia steak with a side of fettucine what about you" I'm thinking about the classic laganga" He nodded and the another waiter showed up with our drinks she placed them in front of us 'Hi am Ashley I'll be your waiter are you ready to order"

"Yeah we are I'll have your classic lasagna with a side of a caesar salad please and thank" I handed her my menu after she wrote down my order she turned in Percy's direction "I'll have your fiorentina steak with a side of fettuccine please" he then handed her his menu "sure thing it'll be out when it ready" she smiled and walked away

"This is nice" I smiled Percy reached over the table and grabbed my hand stroking his thumb over my knuckles "Yeah I enjoy this just you and me" "Yeah to bad it won't last" I said Percy then squeezed my hand "We'll adapt, it'll be fine" he said "Yeah we will" Percy and me countied to talk till our food came out they placed in front of us "Enjoy" the waiter smiled "Thank you"

We dug into our food and ate in silence enjoying the amazing food. It was one of the best meals I had in a long time and I loved the time I spent with Percy knowing there was very little time left that'll be peaceful.

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