On the day of the war

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Percy  POV

It was funny one moment I was holding my wife in not knowing how much longer we had. When I laid down I didn't think it would've been of twenty-four hours. But here I stood dressed in armor at the top of Camp-half Hill with the closet of my friends at my side and the rest of camp down blow standing at the ready, the war was on and I was meant to lead it. To Save my Friends, My Wife, my daughter. 

"Okay Listen up am only repeating this once" I yelled over the years I got good at perfecting my leader's voice mainly because  Annabeth said she always found it attractive"We are here to protect our home our family this is our final stand, one last fight after this the Gods can do their on bidding" Everyone erupting in cheers I smiled down at camp I was determined to make it through this just one last time I kept telling myself. After this I'm moving Annabeth and Silena out of New York we'll get a nice house by the beach somewhere where only we know, somewhere to raise Silena right, somewhere she won't have to know her hertaibage and hopefully never have to pick up a sword all though if she does have some water powers I'm totally teaching her to use them. I looked down at the Poseidon Cabin where Annabeth,Rachel and Calypso were with Silena I had left two Apollo, Two Athena and One Hermes kids to stand guard outside just in case something goes wrong.  On our end the objective was to not let the monster get through the border and to my daughter once that happened it was game over something that couldn't happen.

Something in me told they were close it was now or never I whistled for blackjack and he was beside me in no time Jason summoned Tempest from the sky and Hazel was already ready with Arion, Frank was a dragon with Piper on his back, and Leo on Festus. I hopped up on Blackjack giving them a nod. Renya was going to take the lead for the first attack Twenty Romans and  Twenty Greeks for the first line of defense, Nico knew the signal to lead the rest in. The Six of us were meant to take as much off the field form up high as we could, I also knew my fight was with Luke, I could kind him easier up here for one last fight.

We took the sky has I heard Renya yell "ON THE READY" Once above the trees I could see the tree's shake  monster's we're halfway there. I heard the battle cries first meaning we were well into way to war. I could see a clearing where a whole bunch of monster where exiting out of. I swooped first slashing hellhounds and Kampe, Cyclops and so many more over and over there was no end I kept repeating  the same motion swoop down, slash, go up and again, down,slash, up, down,slash, up. My arm wasn't tired at all I had  done this for years Riptide in my hand slashing monsters for the gods cause. But this was the last time they owed me that much for saving them all these years.

I could hear the sounds of sword clash and battle cries and actually cries but I couldn't get distracted  know there was no time to mourn, It was just the game of war. you lose people you never want to but you do for now I have to drown out the sorrow, grieve later. I just hoped it wasn't someone I was close to, Was that selfish of me? hoping it was just kid someone I probably never held a conversation with was it okay from me to be up here while their down there? Was I up here for the safest option because I had more to risk? Was my life more important?  I tried really hard to block the thought out of my brain I had to focus this wasn't anything new I knew my risibility and my job so why was I heasting. 

I came up to the sky one more time I watched my friends do the same motion as I was doing. We were slowly the monster down for everyone else but it wasn't enough we need something to tip the scale for us and I knew what It was a long shot and I would just delay the minutes of when I'd see Luke but these monster were a bigger problem, In this moment I wished I had  Annabeth she''d tell me the how stupid this was and how much energy I was going to waste , she'd roll her eyes and help me plan this out anyway but I was now left with my brain full of seaweed. As Jason came up I whistled at him to get his attention "I have an idea that help us out okay!" His face was spectral "Is it an Annabeth approved idea?" I gave him my famous troublemaker grin "Absolutely not" he  sighed in response "what do you want me to do?" " First  go find Thalia I want you two to shoot as much lighting on that clearing of monster tell everybody in the air once your back to clear the away help on the ground get as close to the border  as possible without letting the monster in, but away from the clearing and when you see the my signal I want both you a Thaila to make the biggest lightstorm you ever had and then bring it down" he nodded his head "but what'll be your signal?" He asked I gave him one last smile "oh you'll now" 

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