🖤 Tangets Meet| Rory

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Rory is a tutor 😋 not really smut, just sexual and praise

I sighed and held my head in the palms of my hands. For some reason, geometry was just so frustrating. It made zero sense to me. Why do I need to prove a triangle is a triangle? I mean, look at it!

Recently, my teacher allowed me to work with a tutor. I got paired with a boy named Rory. He was good-looking, which was a plus, but I had never really talked to him before this.

I turned around to look at the boy sitting on my bed. "Rory, please help. I don't know why I need to prove it's a triangle.. It just is. Look. Three sides." My fingers slid across the paper, pointing at the problem in front of me.

Rory got up and slowly walked over.
"Well, it says ABC ≈ DEF. So, you can start by saying that it's given." He stood behind me, putting his arm on right next to the book. He was so close that I could feel chills creeping up my spine.

"Okay.. so I need to write a proof? Man, I'm fucked." I shook my head a little while writing down the start of the proof in blue ink. "I mean, it could be worse. The test is next week." He shrugged a little and ran a hand through his hair. So much for requesting a tutor. 

"Wow, because that's so comforting." I rolled my eyes. "So that means < B and < E are reflexive?" I asked, awaiting his approval. "Yeah, actually, that's correct." He smiled a bit. I would continue to write down the proof, and once it was done, I showed him.

"Good girl, that's right." It seemed like it just slipped out of his mouth, and his eyes immediately widened. "Oh, im a good girl now?" I'd giggle a little. But that only sparked a thought of mine. Did he fuck the other girls he tutored?

"So.. uh, you treat all the girls you tutor like this?" I asked. I couldn't deny the fact that I felt attracted to him, I knew his response would hurt me.

"No - actually. But I guess whatever I think comes to mind." He laughed a little, still embarrassed from the words that had so easily slipped out of his mouth.

I stood up and looked at him. "Well, good, it should stay that way." I rested my hand on his chest and brought my face closer to his. Before I knew it, we kissed.


A/N) oh my lord, exams have kicked my ass into next year. I'll probably have more updates soon 🤕

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