🩷 If i killed someone| Charlie

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Wouldn't say it's fluff, no gender specified, Charlie killing someone for you, confession

1.2k words

TW: HOSPITAL SCENE, murder ofc

There was a boy in my class named Charlie. Occasionally, the more popular kids would pick on him because, unfortunately, that's just how school was. I was one of the only people who was nice to him.

After killing started in Woodsboro, the whole town was on edge. I couldn't say I was exactly calm either.

In English class, I found my legs shaking. I was so nervous and on edge. The teachers didn't hold back on assigning us homework just because a few of our friends were dead. It wasn't fair.

I started feeling sick, I raised my hand and asked to go to the office. The teacher dismissed me. As I walked down the hallway, my head started ringing. A blonde girl came up to me and started speaking.

"You're a fucking bitch, y/n. You know that? No wonder why you can't get a boyfriend. You dress like a slut everyday."

I had no idea what the blonde was going on about, in my confusion I asked "What?"

"Oh come on, I hate it when people like you try to act all innocent. I saw you talking to my boyfriend earlier today. Just so you know, the entire school knows what a slut you are."
The blonde giggled and as she walked past me she shoulder checked me, knocking me on to the ground.

My ass hurt, and I wasn't feeling good. Maybe it was because of all the stress or pressure. Maybe even grief. But before I could process anything, everything went black

I woke up in the hospital. It was quiet. Thankfully, I still had my phone on me. I checked to look at the time. It read 3:27AM. I rubbed my head. I had to have hit it hard on the ground.

I open up my phone to see a few text messages from my mother. She said that the hospital would discharge me the next day. She had to go home to get some sleep before work.

I looked over to my left and noticed I was hooked up to an IV. It looked like they were giving me some fluids. Maybe I was just dehydrated or something. But it was really suspicious that there weren't any nurses or doctors.

I stood up, holding on to my IV, dragging it along into the hallways.
The lights flickered and there was no one to be seen. Not even a simple nurse.

I made my way to the front desk, and thankfully, a receptionist was there. I let out a small sigh of relief.

"Oh hell no girl, you need to go back to bed!" The receptionist stood up and helped me back.

After she helped me in bed, I started to regain memory of what had happened earlier. I dont know who that girl was or even who her boyfriend was. I was nice to everyone regardless.

I let out a small sigh, but then my phone dings.

"I'm watching you y/n."

Thinking it was the girl from earlier, I blow it off.

"I didn't do anything to your boyfriend."

I replied and set my phone down. I waited a few minutes for a response, but it never came.

A few days after the hospital, things seemed to be almost back to normal. No one had died in a few days. As terrible as it sounded, it was almost such a relief.

Some kids had gotten invited to a party at a random address. When I googled it, the house looked abandoned. I had a guy feeling that it would be a bad idea.. but, I went anyways.

Pulling into the driveway, I could now tell that the house was definitely abandoned. It probably had been that way for a few days. I got out of my car and walked in the house. I could hear loud music before opening the door.

When I walked in, it seemed like the party had already started. A few kids were drinking, others were dancing in promiscuous ways. Thankfully, I saw my friend Jill. I went to her and greeted her.

"Gosh, this party is so lame. Whoever invited all of us.. should've invited more people." Jill rolled her eyes and then laughed.

"I know, right? Oh.. and uh - you know that kid Charlie? Back of English class.. What happened to him? I haven't seen him.." I asked, maybe she knew. Jill had a way of knowing everything about everyone. To be honest, it was a bit creepy at times.

"Apparently, he's pretty upset about everything that's happened." She shrugged. It was understandable. "But.. he came to this party." She smiled. She was always so pretty.

"Oh. Well, that's cool." I just said, unsure of how to really reply. "Well, I'm gonna do my own thing." I said my goodbyes and decided to explore the place.

While exploring, I saw the same blonde girl who had been rude to me previously. I just rolled my eyes at her. There was no reason to be rude to me when I didn't know what she was talking about.

Eventually, I made my way up the stairs. The floor boards creaked with every step I took, which just proved how old the house was. I opened the door to the master bedroom to see Charlie standing there, with a knife to the girls' throat.

My eyes went wide. I didn't expect to see this. How am I even supposed to react in a situation like this?

"Y/n.." Charlie called out. "Please.. please don't go." He begged. I stepped closer to him. Just because she was a bitch doesn't mean she deserved to died.

"Charlie.. put the knife down. You don't have to do this." I kept a safe distance, not wanting to be next to feel his wrath.

"No, but.. I have to y/n. I love you - and she was rude for you." He started onto this rant. "I did this all for you. I killed everyone for you. Can't you see that? I need you.." Tears started to form in Charlie's eyes.

"That doesn't mean you have to hurt people! Charlie. Please.. put down the knife." I tried everything to convince him.

"You know.. it all started that one day when you defended me from those kids picking on me. Why can't you accept I'm returning the favor, y/n?"

"But you don't have to do it this way -" I was cut off by blood splattering all over my clothes. He had killed her by slitting her throat. I stood there feeling sick to my stomach at the sight.

"Oh God.. I'm gonna be sick." I stood up and made a run for it towards the door, running as fast as I can. I needed to find Jill. Thankfully, I saw her talking to some guys.

"Jill.." I said shakily.

"You look like hell. What happened to you?"

"I saw hell."


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