Chapter 44: Lizzie

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The Duke and Duchess were overjoyed to welcome their third child into the world. Lady Amelia and Lord William were thrilled to have a new little sister to play with and dote on. They spent hours holding her, cooing at her, and giving her gentle kisses on her forehead.

As they sat together as a family, the Duke turned to his wife and said, "What shall we name our new little angel?"

The Duchess smiled, looking down at the sleeping baby in her arms. "I was thinking perhaps we could name her after my mother, Elizabeth. It's a beautiful name, don't you think?"

The Duke nodded, "Yes, I think that's a lovely name. Elizabeth it is."

Lady Amelia, who was always eager to be part of the conversation, piped up, "Can I call her Lizzie for short?"

The Duke chuckled, "Of course, my dear. I'm sure little Lizzie won't mind."

Lord William, who was usually quieter than his sister, looked up at his parents with a thoughtful expression. "I think Lizzie is a pretty name, but can we call her something else too?"

The Duke raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "What do you suggest, son?"

Lord William pondered for a moment before answering, "Well, she's our baby sister, right? So can we call her Princess Lizzie?"

The Duchess smiled fondly at her son's suggestion, "I think that's a wonderful idea. Princess Lizzie it is."

And so, the newest addition to the Blackwoodshire family was officially named Princess Elizabeth, but to her siblings, she was always known as Princess Lizzie.

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