Chapter 37: False Rumors

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Charlotte couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could anyone spread such a malicious rumor about her and Alexander? She knew that they had their disagreements, but they always managed to work things out in the end. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

When she confronted Alexander about the rumor, he was equally surprised and outraged. "How could anyone say such a thing?" he exclaimed. "I love you, Charlotte, and I always will. Don't let these rumors get to you."

But Charlotte couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She had been feeling down lately, but she didn't think it was anything serious. However, as the days passed, she found herself becoming increasingly anxious and irritable.

One day, Alexander came home early from work and found Charlotte in tears. "What's wrong, my love?" he asked, holding her in his arms.

"I don't know," Charlotte sobbed. "I just feel so overwhelmed and alone. I don't think I can handle being a mother and a wife at the same time."

Alexander listened patiently as she poured out her heart to him. He knew that postpartum depression was a real and serious condition, and he was determined to help Charlotte through it. Together, they sought the help of a trusted doctor and counselor.

As they worked through Charlotte's depression, Alexander made a vow to be more supportive and attentive to her needs. He realized that he had been too preoccupied with work and had neglected his duties as a husband and a father.

"Charlotte, I promise to always be there for you," he said one evening as they sat in front of the fireplace. "I love you and our children more than anything in the world. Nothing will ever come between us."

Charlotte smiled through her tears and leaned into Alexander's embrace. She knew that rumors would always circulate, but with Alexander by her side, she could face anything.

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