Chapter 19: Disaster Strikes

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As the wedding day drew near, disaster struck. A fierce storm swept through the city, causing widespread damage and flooding. The wedding venue was badly affected, and many decorations and equipment were destroyed. The bride and groom were devastated, not knowing what to do.
Charlotte: "Oh no, what are we going to do? Everything is ruined! Our dream wedding is turning into a nightmare."Duke: "Don't worry, my love. We'll find a way to make it work. We just need to be flexible and think outside the box."Charlotte: "But how can we possibly pull this off with such short notice? We don't even have a backup plan."Duke: "We'll figure it out. Let's start by contacting our vendors and seeing if they can still provide their services. We might have to adjust some things, but we can still make this a beautiful and memorable wedding."Meanwhile, the Montagues and Worthingtons also rallied together to help salvage the wedding plans. They offered their support and assistance, making phone calls, and visiting vendors to try and find solutions.Mrs. Montague: "We're all in this together. Let's not let this setback ruin the day. We'll do whatever it takes to make sure the wedding goes ahead as planned."Mr. Worthington: "I agree. Let's keep a positive attitude and work together to overcome these obstacles."In the end, the wedding was able to proceed, albeit with some adjustments and last-minute changes. But despite the challenges, the bride and groom were overjoyed to be surrounded by their loved ones and to finally become husband and wife.

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