Chapter 15: A Visit to the Worthingtons

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As soon as the Duke arrived home, he immediately sent a message to his parents, inviting them to the dance party at the Montagues. A few days later, Mr. and Mrs. Worthington arrived at their son's estate.
"Mother, Father, it's good to see you both," the Duke said as he greeted his parents with a hug."It's good to see you too, my dear," Mrs. Worthington replied, returning the hug. "And what is this dance party that you've invited us to?"The Duke smiled. "It's a special occasion, Mother. I plan to propose to Lady Charlotte at the party.""Propose?" Mr. Worthington exclaimed. "My boy, that's wonderful news! I assume the Montagues will be there as well?""Yes, they'll be hosting the party," the Duke replied. "I thought it would be a good opportunity for you both to meet them.""Ah, yes, we've heard so much about them," Mrs. Worthington said. "It will be lovely to finally meet them in person."The Duke nodded. "I'm sure you'll like them. They're good people.""Well, we're looking forward to it," Mr. Worthington said. "And we're so happy for you, my boy.""Thank you, Father," the Duke said with a smile.As they sat down for tea, the Duke began to tell his parents about Lady Charlotte and how they had met. He couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and contentment knowing that he had finally found someone to share his life with. The conversation flowed easily, and the Duke's parents were charmed by their son's description of Lady Charlotte. They couldn't wait to meet her and get to know her better. And so, the Duke and his parents spent a pleasant afternoon together, chatting and enjoying each other's company. As they parted ways, the Duke felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming dance party. He couldn't wait to propose to Lady Charlotte and begin their life together.

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