Chapter 28: The Joyous Occasion

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The news of the duke's impending fatherhood had spread throughout the kingdom, and everyone was overjoyed. The king himself was particularly delighted, and he decided to throw a grand celebration in honor of the happy couple. The duke and duchess were invited, as were their families, friends, and many other esteemed guests from all over the kingdom.
The party was held in the royal palace, and it was a magnificent affair. The halls were adorned with colorful decorations and luxurious furnishings, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the lively chatter of the guests. The king himself presided over the festivities, and he gave a heartfelt speech congratulating the duke and duchess on their impending arrival.As the night wore on, the guests enjoyed a sumptuous feast and danced to the enchanting music played by the royal musicians. The duke and duchess were the center of attention, and they were both beaming with happiness. They danced together, holding each other close, and stealing tender kisses whenever they could.At one point, the duke took his wife's hand and led her to a quiet corner of the palace gardens. They sat down on a bench and gazed up at the stars. The night was warm and peaceful, and they could hear the gentle sound of the fountains in the distance."I can hardly believe that we're going to be parents," the duke said, placing his arm around his wife. "It's a dream come true."Charlotte leaned her head on his shoulder and smiled. "Yes, it is. I never thought I could be this happy.""I promise to be the best father to our child," the duke said, kissing her forehead. "And the best husband to you."Charlotte turned to look at him, and her eyes were filled with love. "You already are," she said softly.They sat there for a while, basking in the warmth of their love, before returning to the party. The rest of the night was a blur of joy and laughter, and it was a celebration that no one would ever forget. The king's gift to the poor was also a great success, and it warmed the hearts of everyone who received it.As the party drew to a close, the duke and duchess thanked the king and bid farewell to their guests. They left the palace, arm in arm, feeling more in love than ever before. They knew that their lives were about to change forever, but they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

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