Chapter 12: A Night of Danger and Love

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Lady Charlotte woke up feeling refreshed and excited for her day with the Duke. She carefully chose her outfit, making sure to wear the clip he had given her. When the Duke arrived, she curtsied to the Montagues and they set off for the opera.

The ride was pleasant and Lady Charlotte found herself drifting off to sleep, the Duke's gentle touch calming her nerves. When they arrived at the theater, she was awed by the grandeur of the building and the luxury of the guests in attendance. She took her seat next to the Duke, eager to hear the opera.But their happiness was short-lived when a servant delivered news that made the Duke's expression turn grave. He whispered to her that they must leave immediately, and she could sense the urgency in his voice. Confused, but trusting him, she followed his lead as they quickly made their way out of the theater.As they hurried down the street, she could hear the sound of chaos behind them. The Duke kept her close and protected her from the commotion. Finally, they reached the safety of the Duke's carriage and he ordered the driver to take them home.

Breathless and shaking from the fear of what had just happened, Lady Charlotte clung to the Duke's hand. "What is going on? What happened?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"I don't know," he said, looking at her with concern in his eyes. "But we're safe now, that's all that matters."

As they rode back to her home, Lady Charlotte couldn't help but feel grateful to be in the Duke's company. She had never felt so protected and cared for before. 

When they finally arrived at her doorstep, she turned to him and said, "Thank you for keeping me safe. I don't know what I would do without you."

The Duke's expression softened as he looked at her. "You are always safe with me," he said, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.As she watched him leave, Lady Charlotte realized just how much she had come to care for the Duke. She knew that whatever dangers lay ahead, she wanted him by her side. And she knew that, whatever the future may hold, she would never forget the night of danger and love they shared.

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