Chapter 34: The Arrival of Two Blessings.

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Charlotte started to feel sick to her stomach, so the duke immediately called for a doctor to examine her. To his surprise, the doctor announced that Charlotte was ready to give birth.

The duke quickly sent word to Charlotte's parents and his own, inviting them to come and visit their new grandchild. As the contractions started to get closer together, Charlotte was overwhelmed with a mix of emotions - fear, excitement, and anticipation all rolled into one. The duke held her hand tightly, providing a source of strength and comfort.

"It's going to be okay, my love. Just breathe," the duke whispered, wiping away the beads of sweat on Charlotte's forehead.

Charlotte nodded weakly, taking deep breaths as the pain intensified. The doctor and the midwife were there, attending to her every need and monitoring the progress of the delivery.

After several grueling hours, Charlotte's screams of agony were replaced with cries of joy as the first baby was born - a healthy baby girl. The duke couldn't contain his happiness, tears of joy streaming down his face as he held his daughter for the first time.

"She's beautiful, my love. Look at her, she's perfect," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

Charlotte smiled weakly, exhausted but overwhelmed with love for her newborn daughter. She couldn't wait to hold her in her arms and bond with her.

As the midwife prepared to deliver the second baby, Charlotte's contractions intensified once again. She pushed with all her might, the pain almost unbearable. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the second baby was born - a bouncing baby boy.

Charlotte and the duke couldn't contain their joy, tears of happiness streaming down their faces as they held their twins in their arms.

"I can't believe it, we have two beautiful babies now," Charlotte said, beaming with pride.

"We're blessed, my love. Absolutely blessed," the duke said, planting a kiss on Charlotte's forehead.

As their families rushed in to congratulate them, Charlotte and the duke felt a sense of completeness - their family was now complete, and they couldn't be happier.

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