Chapter 17: The Meeting of Two Grand Families.

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After the proposal, the duke and Lady Charlotte started planning for their wedding, which would take place in a few months. They wanted to make it grand and lavish, befitting their status in society. The duke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Worthington, were also invited to stay with the Montagues during this time, and they gladly accepted the invitation.
The two grand families finally met on a beautiful summer day, surrounded by the lush greenery of the Montagues' estate. The meeting started with a warm welcome from the Montagues, who were delighted to finally meet the Worthingtons. They exchanged pleasantries and discussed the upcoming wedding preparations.The Worthingtons were impressed by the Montagues' grand estate and the beauty of the gardens. Lady Charlotte's grandparents, who had come to meet the Worthingtons as well, were delighted to see their granddaughter so happy and in love. The duke's parents were also pleased to meet Lady Charlotte's family, who they found to be kind and welcoming.As the families sat down for tea, they talked about their past, their interests, and their plans for the future. Lady Charlotte's grandmother shared stories of her youth, and the duke's mother talked about their family's long-standing tradition of serving the country. Lady Charlotte's grandfather, who was an accomplished artist, showed some of his paintings to the Worthingtons, who admired his talent.The meeting went on for a few hours, and everyone felt a sense of warmth and closeness. The families had bonded over their shared values, love for their children, and excitement for the upcoming wedding.As the Worthingtons were about to leave, Lady Charlotte hugged her future mother-in-law, thanking her for raising such a wonderful son. The duke's father patted his son on the back, saying he was proud of him and wished him all the happiness in the world.As they left, the two families promised to stay in touch and to visit each other often. The duke and Lady Charlotte were thrilled to see their families getting along so well, and they knew that their wedding would be a true celebration of love and family.

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