40 - A Rainy Day

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A Siberian husky jumped around in the pond, splashing water everywhere. I could hear laughter as the water overtook my view. It took me a minute to realize I was the one laughing as the husky jumped up onto the bank, his fur was soaking wet. Panting he shook out his fur engulfing me in droplets of water. The smell of wet dog made my nose scrunch up. A red collar caught my eye as the dog sat down on the dirt ground.

A loud knocking sound yanked me out of the peaceful dream. Groaning, I rolled over on the bed trying desperately to fall back asleep. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to that husky just yet. Another loud knocking caught my ear. Groaning, I gave up on the sleep.

"What?" I snapped sitting up.

"Toyas still here." A female voice snapped. It only took a second for me to recognize Amoras voice.

Sighing I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, "I'm aware."

"Why is he still here?" Her tone was calm but you could clearly tell she was annoyed by this.

"I don't know. I didn't ask." I muttered, blinking a few times before looking in her direction.

Amora stood in my bedroom doorway. Her brown hair was rather messier than usual. I wouldn't be surprised if she just didn't care enough to brush it so she threw it in a messy bun. She was wearing dark blue jeans, a black t-shirt, with a fall colored flannel. Dark eye bags sat under her eyes. It was clear she hasn't gotten much sleep lately.

"I'm taking Eri out today." She stated, "We need to buy Soot a collar and some actual cat food."

"Okay." I mumbled, confused by the sudden change in topic.



"Promise me you won't go looking for Shigaraki and the bar while I'm out. Please." Her tone was almost pleading.

"I promise, I won't." I reassured, still feeling groggy with sleep.

She nodded then shut the door behind her.

Well that was a rather rude awakening. I sighed, the dream fleeting from my mind. Standing up from bed I changed into a simple comfy outfit. Skimming through the bookshelves I picked out a random book that sounded interesting. Glancing around the room I decided on taking one of my throwing knives. For just in case of course.

My eyes lingered on the bean bag chair. I didn't have any plans for today. Maybe I could sit and read all day. The house will be quiet since Eri and Amora are out. I'm unsure how long they'll be gone actually... I probably should've asked... I noted that my thoughts were slow this morning. I had slept rather well. Overall I felt well rested, it just kind of felt like I was robbed of another hour or so of good sleep.

Setting my phone into my pocket I exited my bedroom while holding the book close. It felt precious, like if I set it down it'd just vanish. It wasn't everyday I had a peaceful morning like this. I was scared to ruin it somehow. As if one wrong movement would cause it all to shatter.

Entering the main area I walked over to the kitchen. I set the book down on the counter, away from the food so that it wouldn't get damaged. I poured myself a bowl of cereal. Turning around I noticed Dabi sitting on the couch. He seemed preoccupied with his phone.

Last night popped into my head. I tensed recalling what happened. Quietly I let my hair fall by either side of my face, hiding myself as I ate. I was too... scared? No, that wasn't right... It felt pointless walking over to the table to eat when I had a perfectly nice counter right here. Dragging myself out of my thoughts I noted the fact I was staring at the book. As I ate I fantasized what it could be about.

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