31 - Surprises

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"Uno!" exclaimed Twice.

"Twice you have three cards. We talked about this." I giggled.

"Hey I don't blame him. The excitement with so few cards is very high." Compress commented.

"Oh yeah, so high." Amora chuckled. Her hand was filled with cards, yet there was a smile on her face. Despite the fact she was losing she seemed to be having fun.

"Jinx!" exclaimed a high pitched very excited voice.

Before I could turn around I felt arms wrap me into a hug. Toga's blonde hair appeared in the corner of my eye as she squeezed tighter. Amora visibly cringed in front of me as she stared at the teen.

"You looked really pretty, all bloodied up after the fight. I wanted to be there when you woke up so we could talk about the mission but Shigaraki wouldn't let me stay." She whined before releasing me.

I had never in my life been so grateful to Shigaraki. Toga wasn't a bad kid and in any other circumstance I probably wouldn't have cared if she was there to talk when I woke up. But considering everything that had happened I'm glad she wasn't. Not to mention she's got a bit of an unhealthy obsession with blood. Last thing I want is her taking some of mine.

"Hey! You're the girl who pissed Dabi off so much he almost burnt down the bar!" she exclaimed her attention instantly latching onto Amora, "How'd you piss him off so badly and live? What's your name? Did you know him before-" I tried to zone out her ranting, it was going to give me a headache.

Glancing around the bar I noticed Shigaraki talking to Kurogiri by the bar's exit. Looking back at Amora I noticed she had a very concerned smile on, in fact she looked rather uncomfortable and unsure of what to do. She stared at me, her eyes pleading for me to drag Toga's attention away from her.

I mouthed, 'I'm sorry' to her before standing up and walking over to Shigaraki.

Shigarakis' eyes landed on me as I stopped by him. He nodded at me in acknowledgment before turning his attention back to Kurogiri.

"-that settles it then." Kurogiri said, finishing whatever he had been saying.

Kurogiri glanced between us before nodding at me and walking off. A smile in his eyes as he left.

"What was that about?" I questioned looking back at Shigaraki.

"You'll see," he said, turning his attention towards me.

"Wow, could you be any more vague?" I teased.

He smiled slightly.

"Oh! Are you telling her? Are you telling her?!" Toga exclaimed from behind me, "Can I come? I know you said I couldn't earlier but pleaseeee!" she pleaded now standing next to me.

"Tell me what?" I asked, staring at Shigaraki confused.

"Thing I was talking to Kurogiri about." he stated, "No, you can't come Toga." The hyper teenager seemed to deflate at his words.

"Go where?" I was a little concerned and very confused. Where in the world would Toga and Shigaraki go? What was this about? Is this for a new mission? Maybe a new training area? That might explain why Togas so hyper... though it doesn't really explain why she wouldn't be able to come.

"There's something I need your opinion on." Shigaraki said, kinda ignoring my question, "Kurogiri warp gate."

"Wait, now?!" I was so damn confused right now.

"We'll only be gone a few minutes..." his voice trailed off as he made eye contact with Amora, who was practically staring him down.

"Shigaraki I would like to know where I'm going if you want me to come." I stated as the warp gate appeared near me.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now