7 - Knick Knacks

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Slowly I woke up. My arms were sore and I was still exhausted, at least mentally. Sitting up, I looked around my dark bedroom.

What kind of dream was that? Usually my dreams are chaotic, but that was actually chill and made sense. Well at least a little, who were those kids though? What was that little boy's name again? Gosh I wish it was clearer...

Giving up on the name, I stood up and decided to get some food. Walking over to my bedroom door I suddenly felt fluffy fur under my foot. Next thing I knew I tripped over the big fluffy monster that decided to pass out in front of the stupid door.

"Dammit Slayer!" I exclaimed, using the door to stop myself from falling onto him.

He grumbled, then stood up. Groggily he walked out of my way, looking exhausted.

Opening the door, I went and filled Slayers' food bowl. Reluctantly I made myself a bowl of cereal. I was kinda getting sick of having it for breakfast everyday. But I wasn't exactly in the mood to make something else. The dream played on repeat in my head.

"What was that boy's name?!" I exclaimed, slightly frustrated.

Slayer didn't even glance at me. Looking over it seemed he had just fallen asleep next to his food bowl. That was odd... usually he sleeps with me all night, why's he so tired today?

Kneeling down next to Slayer, I asked, "You alright bud?"

He jerked up, he looked frantic as he looked around, until he saw me. The sight of me calmed him down. Tired, he set his head on my knees, closing his eyes once again.

His reaction concerned me, I gently shoved his head off of my knee. Standing up, I picked up a kitchen knife. Walking around the house I checked if anyone was hiding somewhere. Just as I had thought though, nobody was inside.

Putting away the kitchen knife, I headed back to Slayer, who was still sleeping by his food bowl. This was very unlike him... Sitting down on the kitchen floor, I gently started petting him. He jerked up, looked at me, then relaxed once again.

"It's just me." I said, petting him.

Once he was calm and asleep. I relaxed, sitting by him. Why would he act like this? I thought back to the night previously. I felt a tightness in my chest as I thought about the conversation I had with Dabi. I was angry, but as I thought it over, I was also a little curious.

What could drive a guy to be so care free when being threatened? I mean I get he's a villain and all, but he almost ran when I went to stab him. So why tease me that long? Also why the heck does he think he knows me so well? The same questions from before spun around in my head, including new ones. I was starting to hate villains for how confusing they were.

Slayer slightly rolled his head onto my legs, snapping my attention back to him. Right, Slayer. He liked Dabi when he had first met him... In fact he liked Dabi up until Dabi used his quirk... Does Slayer just not like fire? He didn't mind the fireplace. Maybe he doesn't like Dabi's flames because they are blue? I mean blue flames are really hot.

Actually, it was probably because Dabi almost burned me... I started petting Slayer once again. That doesn't make sense though. Shigaraki tried to kill me when we first met and if anything it seems that Slayer is warming up to him. He's never freaked out as much as he did last night.

"Dog you're confusing!" I groaned, as I stopped petting him.

Whatever the case, I need to keep an eye on him. Besides, Slayer isn't the only one I need to be worried about. I did join the League, who knows what will be thrown at me. Not to mention I'm kinda fed up with that stupid building and these stupid flashbacks.

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