27 - Simple Gaming

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Dabi and I sat there in silence for a while. It seemed neither of us wanted to disrupt the comforting silence. If only it was truly silent. My head was running a million miles per hour. Everything kept coming at me. It was so crushing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it'd hurt you this much." Dabi mumbled, he spoke so quietly I thought I had imagined his words.

His voice calmed my thoughts. Finally they were quiet. I managed to calm down. I was still mad at him and at the same time I didn't want him to leave. Overall I was just exhausted. Despite my reluctants I released from the hug.

"Thanks... for being there for me." I mumbled quietly as I turned towards the exit door. Without another word I walked into the bar. Heading straight for where Eri was.

As I opened up the door to the room Eri was in I noticed Kurogiri and Shigaraki standing in the middle of it. They glanced at me as I passed by them. Ignoring them I plopped down on the floor by the couch Eri was laying in. Shigaraki left the room a second later. I could only guess what he was doing or where he was going. Honestly I didn't care.

Kurogiri walked up to me. He seemed a bit weary of my mood, "So about your house situation." He stated, "For the night we were going to allow Eri to sleep in Vendetta's room. Which is the room next to this one." He looked at me for approval.

I nodded at him, following what he was saying.

"We don't have any spare rooms so Amora and you will have to sleep in the booths in the bar," he explained.

"Eri will have her own bed?" I questioned confirming she'd be comfortable for the night.

He nodded, "Yes. I wanted to move her soon considering it's getting late. That couch probably isn't comfortable."

Sighing, I stood up. Turning around I glanced at Eri. She wasn't asleep, I could tell by the fact her eyes were twitching. Gently I nudged her. Her eyes opened up. She looked so sick it was worrying me.

"Hey, we're going to move you to a comfier bed. I'm going to move you." I informed her of the plan.

She nodded. Tiredly she sat up. I noticed her clutching a small gray stuffed bunny close to her chest. Standing up she put her hand out for me to grab it.

"Where did you get the bunny?" I questioned taking her hand. It reminded me of the brown bunny I had given her before the house blew up...

Glancing at Kurogiri, he nodded at me, understanding we were ready to go. He walked out of the room with us behind him.

"Mr. Giri gave it to me. He said it was Vens and that she would want me to have it while I was sick." she weakly responded.

Dread washed over me as Eri mentioned Vendetta. Her bones had cracked. I hope she's okay... Even if she betrayed the League, she's still a kid. She didn't deserve to be hurt. Neither did that kid Lemillion. They were just trying to save and protect Eri.

"Is Ven dead...?" she questioned, her voice was so shaky.

I paused in the hallway. Sighing I kneeled down to Eri's level. "No, she isn't dead. She just got hurt during the fight. I'm sure you will see her again soon and you can thank her for letting you borrow her bunny." I explained, hiding the doubt in my voice as well as I could. I wanted what I said to be true, but I had no way of knowing for sure.

She nodded. Standing back up, we continued after Kurogiri. He walked into the door next to the one we just walked out of. The room was slightly bigger than the one previously. The walls were the same numbing gray except they were covered in drawings and photos.

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