10 - Whoops

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Quickly I made myself some food, then headed back to the living room. Pausing the music, I switched the channel to the news channel. Something I never really did.

Popping up on the screen were some people talking at a desk. They were talking about UA highschool. The name automatically caught my attention.

"Even after two villain attacks putting multiple students in danger. The school has decided to let first year hero students work with pro heroes as work studies." stated one guy with a horn on his head.

"How will parents take this?" asked the other person.

The two started talking about the parents of UA and how the school shouldn't be trusted considering that a student was indeed kidnapped. They went over the past events. How the League attacked a camp and how before that they attacked the USJ. I knew some of this already from research and got bored quickly.

Standing up, I went and cleaned my food bowl. A small whine caught my attention. Turning around I noticed Slayer holding his leash as he sat by the front door.

"What's up bud?" I questioned, unsure of what he wanted.

Walking over, I took the leash out of his mouth. "Do you want to go on a walk?" I questioned.

He wagged his tail and stood up in response. It was odd, Slayer wanting to get out of the house. "Bud, I need to figure out why I'm getting these stupid flashbacks. I don't have time to take you out," I responded, reluctant.

He whined, putting his tail between his legs. I sighed giving in. He was a dog after all, I can't keep him cooped up all day. Not to mention so much chaos has been going on. The poor thing has been stuck keeping us alive every time we are out.

"Alright, fine." I smiled, putting the leash on him, he jumped up wagging his tail.

Dropping the leash, I walked over to my bedroom and picked up my bag. Which still had the things in it from yesterday.

Walking back to the front door, now with my bag on my shoulders. I opened up the front door, picking up Slayers leash. Letting him lead the way through town. While we were walking I noticed an uncomfortable amount of heroes patrolling. I was used to the usual few that we had in the area. But I noticed a couple of the Pro Hero Cheshires sidekicks scouting around.

Uncomfortable with the idea of walking around with so many heroes on patrol, I led Slayer deeper into the nicer part of town. Where there shouldn't be as many patrolling.

I watched as Slayer looked around as we walked the streets. I wasn't sure what he was looking for, nor did I know why he wanted to go out so badly. But it doesn't really bother me. Besides, I needed a break from all the chaotic villain encounters.

We walked down a quiet street, the sky was bright blue and there was a cool breeze. I noticed a few figures ahead of us. As they got closer, I immediately noticed their costumes, telling me that they were heroes. I didn't exactly want to walk by them, but they were close enough that it would be weird if I just turned around.

Slayer slowed slightly as he also noticed the heroes walking towards us.

As we got closer to the heroes, I heard their conversation, "Remember our hero names! Like mines Lemillion because my goals to save a million people!" exclaimed the taller one.

I scoffed at the idea. That's impossible. Saving so many people.

Lemillion had blonde hair, and blue eyes. He wore a plaid shirt with the number one million on it. He had black pants and boots. He wore a red translucent mask that covered his eyes and ears. And of course, he had the classic floor length red cape, which was attached to his shoulders.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now