37 - A Long Quiet Evening

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Dabi darted through alleyways and shadows, avoiding passersby and any commotion. I didn't know where we were going. It felt like it'd been hours before he finally walked into a boring old apartment building. The entire way there Dabi had been dead silent. I didn't want to start a conversation considering he looked overall annoyed.

Silently he dragged me into an elevator. It wasn't until the elevator doors closed that he finally released the grip he had on my wrist. Muttering under his breath he leaned back onto one of the elevator walls. The number above the door slowly counted up as the elevator moved. The number 8 button shined yellow on the pad. We were heading to the top floor.

Glancing at him I noticed him rubbing his eyes. He looked tired. "Please don't faint on me." I blurted out quietly. The image of Shigaraki fainting from exhaustion popping into my head.

He glanced at me confused, nonetheless he haphazardly reassured me, "Don't plan on it."

A loud ding sound echoed through the elevator. The doors creaked as they opened up. "Stay close." He muttered before walking out.

I followed after him, staying close by just like I was told. We walked through a light gray hallway with tan carpeted floors. A few paintings hung on the wall to make the place seem less empty. We passed by brown doors with black numbers placed on them, the number starting at 800. They counted up by ones as we walked. Quickly it clicked in my head, we were heading to his apartment. What I couldn't figure out was why exactly.

Just before the hall ended Dabi stopped at the door numbered 810. There was a slight click before the door opened. Silently I followed Dabi inside, the hall I entered confirmed my thought. I shut the door behind me. Maybe he wanted to talk first?

Turning around I watched as Dabi walked off into the hall. His room door opened then closed behind him. Okay... I guess I was wrong. Quietly I walked around the apartment. Glancing around I noted the fact nothing had changed since I last saw it. The place was still barren with little to no sign that somebody actually lived here. Sighing I plopped down onto the couch.

Why was I here? Why did I let him drag me here? I guess a part of me kind of hoped he'd take me home. A stupid thought considering he doesn't know where I live. Despite the fact he was quiet the entire time I knew he wasn't mad. Well at least not too mad. There would've been some arguing or blue sparks if he was upset with me. Some kind of sign. But there was nothing, absolutely nothing and it was worrisome. I mean what had I expected?

Dabi caught my eye as he filled the walkway between the hallway and the living room. A black hoodie replaced the coat he had previously been wearing. Pulling his hood down he looked me over as if checking for any wounds or signs of pain. Quickly I stood up from the couch.

Seeming content he looked back up to my face. There was no hint of anger in his features, only heavy disappointment. The sight made me want to shrink in on myself and hide away from his gaze.

Finally he let out a sigh, "What was your plan Jinx?"

I was silent.

"I thought we agreed not to tell Shigaraki. To wait."

"They deserved to know what happened. I thought she was dead."

"But she wasn't and you almost died for nothing." his tone raised only slightly. The warmth radiating around him increased a little.

Quickly I shut my mouth. He was right.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighing once again. "Were you even going to tell me? Or was your plan for me to find out after you were already killed?"

"I knew you'd try talking me out of it." I mumbled.

He paused for a moment before muttering something under his breath. "Let's get you home." he muttered before walking off into the hallway.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now