28 - Not your fault

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"You're strange." chuckled the red haired teen next to me.

"Am not!" I exclaimed, shoving him slightly as we walked through the quiet streets of our neighborhood.

"Literally five seconds ago I watched you run into Old Kuranku's yard to grab a shiny rock. Proceed to get caught by Old Kuranku and instead of jumping the fence like how you got in, you decided to jump onto the roof and jump onto other peoples roofs to get away from the old guy!" He explained, referring to the events prior to this walk.

"Hey the rock was worth it!" I defended as I showed off my cool shiny rock. It wasn't anything special, just a cool white smooth rock that had caught my eye. "Besides you were absolutely no help at all in that situation!"

The boy chuckled, "I knew you'd get out without my help."

A smile spread across my face. I loved hanging out with Toya. It was always such a relief just being around him. I trust him and I hope he trusts me.

Toya glanced up at the bluish-pink sky as we walked. To my left I noticed the sun getting close to setting. The sky slowly turning from blue to a pinkish-orange. A small bit of dread tugged at me as I stared at the sun, knowing full well it meant we had to start heading back soon.

"We don't have to head back just yet. In fact, I know somewhere we can watch the stars." Toya commented, seeming to notice my reluctance to head back.

I looked back at him. He smiled at me.

"Sounds like fun." I chuckled, relieved that I didn't have to go back yet.

We continued to walk along the street in a comforting silence. I stared at the rock I had gotten, curious to know if it had any interesting crystals inside it or if it was really just all rock.

"So, considering you've stolen that rock from the old guy. What do you plan on doing with it?" Toya questioned.

I caught him staring at the rock in my hands from the corner of my eye. I thought over his question for a moment. A smile appeared on my face, "Give it to my favorite person in the world."

He perked up at my words. "Oh really?" he questioned, "and who would that be?"

I pretended to think about it for a moment, "Hmmm..." He stared at me expectantly. "My favorite person in the world... Well that's obviously Fuyumi!" I exclaimed, thinking about his younger sister.

He looked slightly shocked and offended before pouting at my statement.

Giggling, I punched his shoulder, "Obviously it's you dummy." I handed him the rock, "Take special care of Shiny. I almost died for it."

He chuckled at me, "I'll make sure Shiny stays safe." He slid the rock into his pocket so as not to lose it.

"You were totally jealous of your sister." I teased.

"What no I wasn't!" he exclaimed.

"Sureee" I giggled.

"I wasn't jealous of her," he stated. "In fact I felt bad for her. Being your favorite person is exhausting."

A smile grew across his face as he watched me act all offended.

"Excuse me sir! If it's so exhausting then I guess I'll just have to find a new favorite person." I stated dramatically.

He chuckled, "Like you could find someone to replace my amazingness."

I went to protest but a scream from behind caught my ear. Slightly startled, I turned towards the noise. I searched for the source of the scream, but nobody was behind us.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now