15 - Going where?!

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"Miss Jinx." I heard a quiet voice say.

I rolled a bit in my sleep. That voice? It wasn't very familiar. Am I dreaming again? No, usually there's visuals with my dreams. Right now I just see darkness.

"Umm Miss Jinx please wake up." said the voice once again. A small hand touched my arm.

Wait... that wasn't a voice from my dreams...

"Miss Jinx. The weird hand guy is here." the small voice nearly whispered.

Shit, Eri! I sat up a little too quickly. My vision went blurry for a moment. I waited a moment for my vision to go back to normal. As soon as it did my eyes landed on Eri. Who was currently standing by the night stand. She was gripping the small knife I had given her.

"Eri? What's wrong?" I questioned, looking around the room. Slayer wasn't in sight.

"The hand guy is here... the guy who showed up yesterday." She said, trying to mimic a hand sitting on her face.

"Shigaraki." I questioned. My thoughts were a bit jumbled. I had just woken up.

She nodded, "Yeah, Shiga-" her voice dyed down, "Shig- mm.... Shiggy?" she said, questioning herself.

Shigaraki...? Shigaraki here? Oh shit Shigaraki is here! Jumping out of bed, I left Eri in the bedroom. Heading straight towards the living room. I didn't feel the need to grab a throwing knife this time.

Blue fluffy hair caught my attention as Shigaraki sat on the couch in my living room. He wasn't wearing his villain outfit. Instead he was just wearing a black hoodie, black pants, and bright red shoes. The shoes still bothered me. Who needs that bright pair of shoes? Sitting in the hallway staring at Shigaraki with his ears pinned back was Slayer. Thankfully he wasn't growling this time.

"God Shigaraki." I muttered under my breath, walking around Slayer and into the living room.

"Shigaraki." I stated, standing in front of him.

He looked up from the sketchbook that he was looking through. Of course he was going through my sketchbook. Why don't I just leave a damn trail of them for him. Maybe then I'd be able to keep him out of the damn house.

"Ah, good morning Jinx." he said, setting the sketchbook down as he stood up.

"What did I say about coming into my house uninvited." I snapped.

He crossed his arms, "Look I came here to talk to you about how you did yesterday. I thought you'd be awake by now."

"I'm not a morning person." I stated.

"It's 10:30 in the morning," he pointed out.

"I'm not a morning person." I repeated.

He sighed, "Noted for the future."

I nodded, turning around and heading back down the hallway to my bedroom.

"What- Where are you going?" Shigaraki called after me.

"I've got a kid to calm down." I snapped back, before shutting my bedroom door behind me.

Eri looked up at me, she was still standing by the nightstand. She looked on edge.

"You don't need to be scared, kid. He knows he won't survive if he touches you." I commented, walking over to my closet.

"He- He'd die if he touched me?" she asked, her voice quaking.

"I- well-" I turned towards the kid, she looked even more scared and worried than before. Great going Jinx.

Sighing, I walked over to her, "No, nobody's going to die if they touch you. Except maybe..." I let my voice die out quickly.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now