33 - Phantom Emotions

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"Jinx I love you and I understand you want to help out the company but your mother doesn't want you around the machinery." A warm familiar deep voice said.

"I can help with talking to the customer's dad! Like you do!" exclaimed my voice, except it was younger. What. A. Surprise.

The voices were silent for a moment. My vision was completely black, I couldn't see anything anywhere. It was odd being blind in a way...

"I'll let you tag along with me today at work and we will see how you like it." A smile was in his tone.

"Yay!" Exclaimed little me.

Suddenly the bright blue sky overtook my vision. It was blinding compared to the darkness. Blinking a few times a tall building full of windows and noise came into focus. Bushes and trees surrounded the building, all nicely trimmed and set perfectly. A giant sign sat above the building's doors reading, Welcome, to Narig Wonders! A place for hero support gear and costume design. Chatter was all around as passersby greeted each other, some stood around chatting with old friends or already known friends. How was I to know for sure? A brick walkway led up to the doors of such a perfect building, it felt unreal.

I felt very small walking up to the big building. Holding my little hand walking with me was a rather average height guy with up kept dark brown hair. It was an odd sight, usually it was messy. He wore a dark blue suit and black dress shoes. A few freckles were scattered across his cheeks. Glancing down at me his nearly white eyes met mine. I knew there was some blue in his eyes as they were just like mine. He smiled at me before looking back up at the building. A wave of safety washed over me. Dad.

"Are you excited to meet some of the heroes?" He questioned stopping in front of the door.

I nodded excitedly. For some reason I felt this urge of excitement to see all the costumes. To talk with the customers. Meet new people. Just honestly to be inside the building helping out or even just existing there sounded fun, even if I wasn't allowed to touch anything.

Just as my father went to open the door a harsh female voice yelled coming up from behind us, "Espen!"

My father sighed, "Seems we've been caught." he chuckled before turning around.

Instantly I recognized the womens voice. She was my mom. For some reason though I felt happy to see her. Turning around with my father a smile appeared on my face at the sight of her. Per usual her raven black hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. She wore a latte colored button up shirt with white dress pants and brown midcalf heeled boots. Scars were noticeable above her left eye, they looked like they were caused from scratching decades ago. Her light brown eyes landed on me, her gaze was fierce. Despite that fact I waved at her with a big grin.

The clicking of her heels came to a halt as she stood in front of my father and I, "Espen what are you doing? You know it isn't safe for her to be here." she stated.

"Honey, she's six years old and wants to help out the company. You know how much you talk about the place, she's gotten curious. I know she's young but she's going to be with me the entire time, just like I used to do with Amora and then Rhea." My dad explained trying to convince her.

Sadness washed over me a little as I knew my dads attempt at convincing her was futile. He's tried this defense many times before it never works. Mom doesn't want me in the building and I didn't understand why. She must have a good reason for it. Maybe something dangerous is in there... like the machinery just like dad said earlier.

"What if she activates her quirk by accident?! She doesn't know how to use it! It isn't safe." she snapped slightly.

"I'll keep her away from any blood. You're being a little overprotective Rennea. A kid shouldn't be around blood no matter the quirk." He commented on the obvious fact.

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