18 - The Consequences of Trust

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"Broken trust is like a broken mirror—you can never get all the pieces back."

Warning: Tons of colorful language in this chapter.

The day after the meeting with Overhaul. I decided to give Eri the feather. I told her to wear it on her at all times and to make sure not to lose it. She promised me she wouldn't. I was still a bit on edge with what happened at the meeting and it put my mind at ease when she had the feather on her. It was the little comfort I had.


The next couple days after that were calm. Nobody from the League dropped by my house, Eri's writing greatly improved, and Slayer was happy that I wasn't going anywhere deadly. But I was on edge. At no point had Shigaraki contacted me. He didn't want to talk about what happened at the meeting nor did he want to talk about the feather. In fact he started to just ignore my messages a day after the meeting. It unsettled me, but I decided to enjoy the free time I had with Eri and Slayer. My life has been so busy I barely get some time just with these two.

Dragging myself out of my thoughts I glanced around the dark living room. The only light was the bright blue glow coming from the tv. Passed out on the couch next to me was Eri. Yawning, I stood up. At the very least these past few days I've caught up on all the sleep that I've been lacking.

Turning towards Eri I lifted her up. Slowly I carried her to her room, careful not to wake her. Setting her down on her bed. I glanced around the room making sure the lava lamp was on. Just in case she woke up late at night for some reason she'd still have some light. The kid curled up holding the bunny I had given her a while back close to her chest. Smiling, I quietly shut the door behind me.

Heading back into the living room I shut off the tv. Flipping on one of the living room lights. I cleaned up the living room by picking up all of the board games scattered on the floor. I'll have to make a mental note to teach the kid to clean up. Though she's pretty good at taking care of herself she's gotta work on cleaning things up after herself. Shutting off the living room light I made my way over to my bedroom with Slayer following behind me.

Quickly I changed into a pair of black leggings and a baggy gray t-shirt. Glancing at my nightstand I saw my villain's outfit which was now blood free. Thankfully I could wash out all of the stains this time. Though it took me a bit. Opening the drawer in the nightstand, I took out my latest sketchbook.

Sitting down on my bed, I scrolled through the drawings smiling. Going through it a couple times I stopped on the drawing of the hands. It was quite good. I was awfully proud of myself for drawing it. Slayer jumped onto the bed and he curled up beside me.

Sighing, I set the sketchbook down. "Guess I'm going to have to hunt Shigaraki down tomorrow. Considering he's been ignoring me these past few days." I muttered, giving Slayer a couple pets.

Slayer perked up suddenly, his ears pinned back. His eyes were wide with fear.




The wall behind me exploded, launching Slayer and I across the room. I flew through the wall whacking my head harshly on a rubble piece. Smacking into the ground I heard a crack as pain erupted through my body.

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