Part 10

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Tears were streaming down Taehyung eye . He was sobbing loudly. He tried stopping those damn tears but it won't. He tried to not choke on tears but he did .

His body was trembling and every word of Hoseok were playing like loop in his mind.

He was pulled into warm hug and felt fingers drawing soothing circles at his back in order to calm him down .

"Hyung you are good . You are doing fine . Listen to me okaay..try to breathe in with me ..huhhh.."

"Kim Taehyung stop crying will you. For whom are you crying that poor flith.  He is not but a monster. I have told you before too to that he is nothing more than cheat and you should stay away from flithy people like him. But you are too thick headed to get this inside your head. How could you allow him to degrade you?? You really are pathetic "

"Mrs Kim that's enough. Please leave from here this instance." Namjoon roared .

Mrs Kim scowled and left from there not before throwing Taehyung disgusting look.

Words of his mother pained Taehyung more than anything. He clung onto Jimin wailing loudly.

"Do- you find me pathetic too jiminahh??am i too disgusting for anyone to love me ??"

"Taehyungiee hyung shusshh you are my beautiful hyung. Don't listen to those bitches they all are dumb as fuck..they don't know how lovely my hyung is.They don't know how much you mean to us " Jungkook said as drop of tear made way through his big eyes .

Suga wrapped his arm around Jungkook who has started crying too.

"Baby look at your yoongi hyung " yoongi said as he grabbed Taehyung chin and made him look at his eyes .

" Listen to me Kim Taehyung. I don't know why would you believe words of those people who got nothing better to say. They are not you,they can never be. They are envious of you Taehyung . They are jealous cause they don't have heart like yours They are jealous cause they are not you. You are truly beautiful Taehyung both inside outside don't let other words get you. We all love you and believe you ....
A.R.M.Y out there loves you . They love their Taetae they love this boy whose smile itself is medicine to their wound. They adore you Taehyung . --"

Taehyung cries subsided and yoongi gently pecked his forehead.

" Ow my darling cute little alien you are such a damsel in distress my baby --" jimin said dramatically as he pull Taehyung into tight hug. He ruffled his hair .

" Yaayy bunny stop crying look your Hyungie is smiling " Suga muttered to Jungkook. Bunny broke away from hug and ran to Taehyung hyung jumping on him and clinging to his back like koala.

" Yah muscle bunny lemme goo namjooniee help me ..." Taehyung choke out at Jungkook tight grip making everyone laugh out loud.

Jin wrapped his around Namjoon and whispered ," our babies have grown up. "

" Yes they have ."

Jin said smiling.


" Papa wakey wakey ..." Hoseok heard min -Su trying to wake him up . But he pretended that he hadn't  heard him and continue sleeping. He thought of teasing him a little.

He heard some ruffling before he felt pair of little chubby hands on his cheeks.

" Papaaa Minnie is hwungryy. Minnieee needss pinkkkk ..millkkkk ...."

Hoseok didn't move at all and suddenly he felt like his cheeks were being bitten Making him awake instantly.

"Owww " he grunted in pain as he held the side of cheeks being bitten by chunk who was looking at him innocently.

" Papppiii is awkkeeee timeee for pinkkk milkkk papaaa  milkkkk.. Minnieee "

He said as he climbed on Hoseok lap

" No milllkkk for Min-su...he bite papa. "
He said in strict tone.

Baby's lips wobbled and before his water works could start Hoseok pecked his cheeks and muttered ," was just kidding baby..let's get you ready for day.."

"Yaayy Minniee will get milkkkk " he screamed and kissed where he has biten him.

" Here Papa it will get better .
Min -Su is sorry for biting."

"Papa is sorry too baby."


Hoseok dropped Min -Su at his day care and went to work.

Time skip

As soon as he reached office he collected the project file and went to practice hall.

Today they have to shoot for RUN BTS

" Good morning . I am handing you all the theme for shooting today make sure to go through it once and if you have any queries you can consult me. " he said as he handled file to everyone .

"You should apologise." Jungkook muttered not taking file from Hoseok hand.

"Jungkook stop it." Namjoon tried indulging but maknae didn't buldge at all.

Hoseok raised his eyebrow at him and asked in montone voice ," For what ?"

" For hurting Taehyung hyung ." He said

" Jungkook-shi there is a thing about me I don't go around apologising for things I am not sorry about. And if Taehyung wants me to apologise let him ask for it. Don't go around fighting someone's else battle. And since you have been so nice to me I will give you a little bit of tip, Learn to keep you personal and professional affair apart."

" You are pitiful -"

"Jungkook stop it." yelled Taehyung who had just arrived.

"Mr Jung Hoseok I sincerely apologise for all the trouble cause by me. I was out of the line and I'm very ashamed for my act. I was wrong and I have realise my mistake. So forgive me " Taehyung said and bowed. 

" Very well than Mr Kim" Hoseok said and went to distribute all files.
He handed Taehyung file to Suga and left from there not before announcing other to be ready with in 45 mins.

Hoseok P.O.V

Why do you have to apologise? Why do you have to be bigger person ? Why do you always make me regret my decision? My words?

Ik I am bad person and I don't deserve you but you don't have to do this. You just don't...

What deed have I commented to have you in my life but not in my arms?

Author P.OV

Hoseok didn't even realise he was crying until someone spoke his name.

" For someone who appears cold you surely are cry baby. If you love him so much why are you doing this ?"

Hoseok frantically wiped away his tears to meet eyes like those of kitten.

"Mr Min you won't understand no one will ever. Why would they anyways?"

"Hoseok I do understand that's why I am telling you to stop this. Stop hurting yourself and him . You are making things worst not only for him but for you too. For how long will you run away from past? From where I am seeing you are coward. You are afraid that your heart will give away what your mind doesn't want to. You are afraid to let him in. I don't know what happened in past but don't allow it to effect your present. You can sort things out and make your relationship work too. He loves you and so do-"

" Stop it ...stop sprouting bullshit...I don't love him ...I hate him from bottom of my heart. I hate even seeing sight of him..."

Yoongi sighted placing his hand on Hoseok shoulder he whispered," I hope One day you will not lie and accept the truth."

Saying this he left Hoseok alone in hallway.

" There won't be such day . There can't be what truth you are talking about when one simply doesn't exist.."


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