Part 3

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Taehyung P.o.v

I laid on my bed sighting. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him in blood and flesh.
I faintly remember how my breath hitched and how badly I broke down in sweat after seeing him. My heart was thumping hard against my chest and unconsciously I was breathing heavily. It was like I was dreaming  just with open eyes.
I had imagined this and have dreamt of it many times. The moment when we will met again. It was far more worst than I had imagined it to. He did return to me but not for me.

I can't even say I hate him because I just can't . It's not that I haven't tried I have but my heart always betrays me.

He might seem like the cold bitch but He ain't . You wanna know why ??Cause He saved me.

Yes He did .Not once but twice.


"Taehyung get your lazy ass here " Yelled sweet voice of his mother.
Taehyung groaned in annoyance as he put aside his homework and went down.
He saw his mother standing in hall with money and bag.
She shoved money and bag to Taehyung as he reached her and asked him to go buy some meat for dinner tonight.

"Maaa why can't you ask yuri to go and buy it ???" Taehyung questioned even though he knew his mother would give him same answer .

"You know yuri has exams coming up .I can't disturb her studies "she said monotonously.

"yeah sure.Your precious daughter exams matter but you forgot your useless son has exams too. "  Taehyung mumbled and went out of house to buy so called meat that he knew wasn't even for him .

Taehyung was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice the group of thugs that were coming his way. And he bumped into them making him fall flat on ground.
One minute he was lying on ground and other he was being lifted in air.
One of the thug had lift him in air.
"Look what we have here ." said man exhaling smoke on his face causing him to cough violently.
"A ugly pig " said other man
"He would be good fuck though" said one tall man who chugged down alcohol eyeing him lustfully.
Taehyung was desperately trying to kick them but was failing miserably. He had tears streaming down his face.

"Leave me" he pleaded.

The tall man was about to touch his cheeks when he was hit with can of juice followed by a figure appearing in alley. He popped up bubble gum and looked at thugs with cold look.

" Leave him fucktard" He said or more like ordered.

"looks like you need some punishment bitch."

The other guy stroded towards him and was about to hit him when he kicked him hard on his leg making him fall on ground.

The one who held Taehyung motioned tall guy to hit boy but he was met with the same fate as him only to his unfortune boy hit him with alcohol bottle on head making him loose his consciousness.
Taehyung noticed that man was looking at  boy  and took this chance to kick him hard on shin.
Man instantly let go off Taehyung as he crouched in pain.

Taehyung landed on ground with loud thud. He was immediately pulled up by boy.

"Hoseok" He exclaimed in surprise. He couldn't see his face at first as he was hiding in dark.
"Catch them " groaned man who got hit by Taehyung.
"Lets get you out of here baby boy." saying this Hoseok grabbed his hand and started running .
Even though they were in shitty situation and were running for their life , Taehyung couldn't help but smile. It has been week since that incident and there wasn't a single night he hadn't fall asleep thinking of him.
"Baby boy don't be scared. They won't be able to hurt you." Hoseok said.

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