Chapter Fifty-Two

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Sunwoo was irritated walking down the stairs of the pack house. It was too early in the morning for a meeting. An important meeting at that. They could have called or texted.

But the more he thought about it, he wouldn't have answered. He'd been in a deep sleep, one that his wolf and he longed for. Sleep came easier and easier with Jihyo there with him.

Sunwoo walked toward the conference room, hearing the sound of breakfast being made down the hallway.

The silence on the way knotted his stomach. Something felt so wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

When he made it to the conference room, he flung the door open and found the rogues from the dungeon sitting at the table. His blood ran cold.

What in the hell was this?

Sunwoo stopped in the doorway. "How did you get out?"

The main rogue, the one they caught first, stoop up and smiled. "you're in for it now."

Sunwoo curled his fingers into fists at his sides. His wolf fought to come out. To rip them to shreds.

But he felt a tingle in his mind, he heard her voice. Jihyo's voice.

"He's here. Jacob bad."

Shivers raced down his spine, and his wolf howled in pain. Jacob was bad? Did she mean jacob was the mole?

Sunwoo mind-linked with the pack. "There are rogues loose in the conference room. I need four wolves here now. Watch the pack house. Guard the grounds. They're coming."

He took a step backward, knowing this had been a ploy, he needed to get to Jihyo. He was coming for her if he hadn't already made it to her. And Sunwoo left Jihyo with the mole. He backtracked out of the room, hearing the rogues following him out the door.

He needed to fight, wanted to fight, but he had to make sure Jihyo was okay. He tried to reach ut to her but it was blank. Why was her mind blank? Was she okay?

Get to mate, his wolf howled.

Sunwoo intersected several wolves racing down the hallway and he gave them a knowing look. They collided behind him with the rogues, as he scurried up the stairs to their bedroom.

Fear knotted his throat making it hard to breathe. When he opened the door, Jacob was laying on the floor, looking half dead.

His first thought was to check on his Beta. But Jihyo's message made his weary. It made him angry.

Jacob leaned up on his palms. "I'm sorry, Sunwoo. He came in so quickly. He took Jihyo."

Sunwoo examined the room. If he hadn't known the truth from Jihyo, he would have believed Jacob.

His wolf was ready for blood. Ready to tear him piece by piece. Sunwoo shut the door behind him and cracked his neck to one side. "Who, Seojun?"

Jacob stood up with the help of the post on their bed. "Yeah, she called him Seojun, She seemed to know him."

Sunwoo walked over to the window and stared out at the wolves racing toward the pack woods. Sunwoo turned to look at Jacob. "Do you know him?"

Jacob quirked his head. "Why would I know him?"

"Where is Jihyo?" Sunwoo asked quietly.

Jacob shifted. "I told you that Seojun took her. He jumped from the window, and that's the last thing I know. We went at it for several minutes─"

"Yeah, looks like he really banged you up," he said sarcastically.

Jacob's face fell, and Sunwoo watched as he realized Sunwoo knew. The corner of Jacob's mouth tugged into a smile. "Well, did the slut get you in the mind link after all? Damn. I was hoping to see everything go down in a while."

Sunwoo's wolf howled, and bucked like a bull, attempting to get out, but Sunwoo needed to keep his cool... for a few more seconds.

"Why would you do this to me, Jacob?"

Jacob slid his tongue across his teeth. "You don't know?" he asked, taking a step closer. "That you ask me to do everything? I should be the alpha, Sunwoo?"

"So you do Seojun's bidding so that you can be his second?"

"I'm not his second," he spat. laughing under his breath. "Just wait. Just you wait."

Sunwoo couldn't stop himself from shifting. They'd hire a contractor to fix the room once this was over. He needed to taste Jacob's blood.

Sunwoo's wolf jumped forward, sending Jacob backward. Sunwoo snapped at his neck, drawing blood before he shifted and landed on top of Sunwoo's desk shattering it.

The sound of fighting and destruction came from the open window. Sunwoo needed to get to Jihyo before they got too far. But Jacob needed to be dealt with before he faced Seojun once and for all.

Jacob snapped at Sunwoo, moving in a semi-circle around him. Jacob was big but no as big as an alpha.

He lunged at Sunwoo, sinking his teeth into his neck, and began to shake his head back and forth.

Sunwoo's wolf howled in pain.

It was short-lived. Sunwoo shifted, slinging Jacob against the opposite wall.

The door burst open to his room and Nayeon stood in the doorjamb. "jacob is the mole!" she shouted.

Sunwoo fought the urge to shift so he could tell her where to shove her detective skills. Instead, sje shifted, and jumped on Jacob, holding him down while Sunwoo walked over, his teeth barred.

Sunwoo was an alpha, but he wasn't heartless. He hated Jacob for what he did, but he couldn't see himself killing him. As badly as it hurt his pride not to, he shifted into his human form.

"I need two wolves to my room immediately."

Jacob shifted, and chuckled, wiping blood from his mouth. "You can't do it, can you? This is just another reason I need to be alpha."

Nayeon stayed in her wolf form, hovering above Jacob as two wolves came in through the door. They looked beat up and out of breath. "Rogues are everywhere."

Eric, one of the wolves, stared at Jacob for a long time. They'd been friends. Sunwoo knew it and could see it on his face.

"We found our mole," Sunwoo said. "Take him to the dungeon, and keep someone on him." Sunwoo turned his back to the sad look on Eric's face. "Nayeon come with me, Nancy Drew. We have to find my Luna."

Mated To My Alpha Stepbrother (A Sunwoo ff) ✓Where stories live. Discover now