Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sunwoo jogged out of the pack house and passed the bonfire. No one seemed any wiser about what was going on in the woods.

He was glad. He didn't need any frantic wolves. They were already on edge from the rogues they'd captured. Them knowing about another one before the bonfire was over wouldn't help anything.

Sunwoo took the long way towards Jacob and the others, to avoid running into any of the wolves. Jacob's scent led him deep into into the depths of the pack's perimeter, close to the edge of their lands.

Jacob stood in the midst of several wolves who all looked tired as hell.

"What's going on?" Sunwoo asked once he shifted.

Jacob turned to look at him. "We've been chasing this bastard this entire time. He's super-fast, and he disappeared over the fence," he said.

Sunwoo followed his pointed finger. "Did you get a glimpse of him? Was he in his wolf form?"

"He didn't look familiar," Sangyeon, one of their warriors, said.

"Yeah, he didn't smell familiar either," Jacob added, stroking his chin. "He seemed to be leading us in circles, taunting us almost."

Sunwoo walked over to the fence, getting familiar with his scent in case he decided to come back. "Did you have any luck with the alphas? Did they recognize the pack tattoo on the other rogue?" Jacob asked from behind Sunwoo.

"No, I haven't hear back from the one that said it looked vaguely familiar."

Sunwoo turned around to face them. "Don't tell the others. I don't want to cause a stir..." Sunwoo trailed off into silence.

That scent. Her scent.

He followed Jihyo's scent, as it intertwined with the rogue's scent. As if she was following him. Sunwoo became extremely angry. His wolf growled and snarled, their blood boiling in anger.

Sunwoo followed it to the edge of their property where a red piece of fabric hung. Sunwoo shifted and walked over to grab it.

It smelled just like her. He fiddled with the material, realizing it was a pair of underwear. Sunwoo's vision turned red, and his entire wolf screamed at him.

He wanted to rip this wolf to shreds.

He wanted to find him and make him bleed.

"Sunwoo," Jacob whispered from behind him. "What's wrong?"

Sunwoo turned to look at him with Jihyo's clothes hanging from his fingers. "He's taunting me. This is Jihyo's."

Jacob's gaze lowered to Sunwoo's hand. "What the - you're serious? How did he get these?"

Jacob went to grab them, but Sunwoo pulled them back. The alpha inside of him wanted blood. Closing his eyes, he swallowed down his wolf's need to shift again.

"Can you put more guard wolves on the line tonight? Just tell them it's a precaution due to the number of rogues, Do not tell the pack this. This is between us."

Jacob glanced at the other wolves and nodded. "Sure thing, boss. Are you okay? You look sick to your stomach."

Sunwoo chuckled. "Wouldn't you be?"

Sunwoo kept replaying options in his head. Who did this? He didn't have any known enemies at the moment. In the past, sure. Who had he pissed off recently that would go to such great links to taunt him?

There was Jihyo's boyfriend, but he was human, wasn't he? His scent was human.

"I'm going to check on Jihyo," Sunwoo said, trying to contain his anger. "I'll touch base soon."

Jacob looked worried but went to get the guard wolves ready for their shift. Sunwoo needed to get a plan together. Was this person a threat to Jihyo. Or were they just taunting him?

He needed to talk to her about her boyfriend.

He needed to get a plan together to start training if needed to.

Sunwoo shifted into his human form when he neared the pack house and raced up the stairs towards his room. Nayeon was mid-sentence when he barge inside. Nayeon grimaced. "Put some clothes on, you nasty-"

"Get out. I need to speak with Jihyo."

Nayeon made a face but left the room in a sluggish stubborn walk. "We'll talk tomorrow," she said as Sunwoo shut the door behind her.

Jihyo sat up on her knees. "What's wrong?"

Sunwoo interlaced his fingers on the back of his head. "Is your boyfriend a werewolf?"

Jihyo chuckled and shut her laptop. "My ex-boyfriend is human."

His heart skipped a beat. Ex as in past? "You broke up with him? Wait, you finally spoke to him?"

She pursed her lips. "Yeah, he texted and asked where I was. I guess he got home early. I don't know. He texted back in a frantic ramble of apologies, but I didn't reply. What's going on? And what's in your hand?"

Jihyo eyed the underwear as Sunwoo held them out for her. "Okay, some underwear. Wait a second, those are mine. Where did you get them?"

"They were in the woods, Jihyo. The rogue that wandered over onto our property tonight took the wolves I sent on a wild goose chase, and then I found these, with his scent all over them."

Jihyo's mouth opened in shock. "I don't - I don't understand."

"Me either. I can't think of anyone that would have a reason to use you to taunt me other than your boyfriend."

"He doesn't know where I am, Sunwoo. He's a human. It can't be him. I don't know who did it. Whoever it is went through my things here. All of my underwear was shoved into my bag. Those had to be in there, too."

"So I did smell someone earlier. He'd been in here."

Jihyo shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. "That's creepy. Good thing Nayeon stayed with me."

Sunwoo walked towards his chest of drawers and grabbed a pair of sweat. He mind-linked Jacob. 'Have a few wolves stand guard around the pack house tonight. Someone was in my room.'

He cut off the mind link before Jacob could answer. He didn't like not knowing who was behind everything. He closed his eyes, then felt Jihyo's hand on his forearm.

He glanced down at her dark eyes. "You're stressing," she whispered. "Don't. You have plenty of guards, and he'll most likely not be back tonight. You can relax for right now."

Jihyo was right. He did need to relax, but his wolf was stirring like crazy. He wanted to get to the bottom of everything right now.

Sunwoo palmed the back of her head. "You're safe, that's all that matters."

Jihyo smiled. "Why don't we put something on TV and try to calm down?"

Sunwoo could think of a million different ways to calm himself down and the television wasn't one of them. He smiled and ran his thumb across her bottom lip. "I just need to be near you. You calm my wolf down."

A blush brightened her cheeks. It was a different side of her. One that he liked. It was hidden behind her smart remarks. He wanted to bring it out.

And he planned to do just that, once he figured out who the hell had his mate's underwear.

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