Chapter Thirty-Six

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"This is the middle of nowhere," Sunwoo said, looking up the address on his phone. "That's a major red flag."

Jihyo looked down at the screen and cringed. "When are they meeting?" she asked. 

"Tomorrow night at midnight," Jacob said, climbing into the backseat. "We should go."

Sunwoo gave him a sheepish look, while Jihyo scoffed, "Seriously, Jacob? I almost got into a fight with one in two seconds of speaking to her, It's not a good idea."

He shrugged. "I dunno. It might be a good idea. We could get our warriors together and go see what they are talking about. See if they talk about sending rogues to our pack, or if they have anything to do with it at all."

He had a point and Sunwoo knew it. "Maybe," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"No," Jihyo said. "are you serious? We don't know how many of them there are, or what their little meeting is about, Sunwoo. They could wipe out our pack.."

"Jihyo," Sunwoo said, touching her mouth with his finger. "calm down. We'll talk about it when we get back home, but I won't put our wolves in danger." He climbed into the driver's seat. "We do need to talk about you almost starting a fight. You need to run your wolf. I think that your self-control isn't the best."

Jihyo mumbled under her breath. "My wolf is fine."

Sunwoo caught Jacob snickering in the backseat as they pulled out of the parking space and down the road. "We can talk about it when we get home," Sunwoo said.

They rode home mostly in silence, until Jacob couldn't take it anymore and decided to lean forward and turn on the radio. The heavy tension wasn't something Sunwoo liked, but he could sense that Jihyo was upset.

Maybe it was the talk of her father, or her wanting to fight that shewolf and she couldn't. Sunwoo planned to find out once they made it inside.

Jacob jumped out of the back when Sunwoo parked and glanced off into the distance towards the woods. "Some wolves are running. I'm going to join them. Y'all want to come?" he asked.

Sunwoo offered his hand to Jihyo and she took it. "No, we have things we need to talk about," he said.

Jacob jogged off, leaving them standing under the moonlight, in front of the pack house. "Come on upstairs. I'm sure you're hungry. I texted Nayeon and had her save us two plates."

"I'm starving," she said. "I meant to ask you to stop for takeout, but I was just pissed and forgot about it."

Sunwoo tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry she said that about your dad, Jihyo. Rogues can be vicious. They lack the discipline that pack wolves learn over time. Hence the way you struggled to keep yourself together."

She glanced up at Sunwoo, her dark eyes wide and full of emotion in the moonlight. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You were hurt and you haven't trained with your wolf in years. Come on. Let's get inside."

Sunwoo led Jihyo upstairs and found two plates of food on his desk as he asked. She even snagged some cake and two drinks.

"Suck up," he mumbled. "Nayeon's up to something. I didn't ask her to do all of this."

Jihyo chuckled. "I'm sure it's something harmless," she said, grabbing a plate and sitting down on Sunwoo's bed.

He pulled over his desk chair and sat facing her.

"You want me to train my wolf? How do you even do that?" she asked over a bite. "How do you train self-control?"

Sunwoo shrugged. "You run with her, make her do the things you say, or you shift back. It's like teaching anyone anything. You show them who is boss and then take it away if they don't listen to you."

"I can't do that. My wolf was fuming at the way they talked about my dad. Like he was worthless because he left them. It hurt my stomach to hear it," she whispered.

Sunwoo put his food to the side and bent down in front of her. To see the pain on her face, it hurt him. A single tear slipped down her cheek and he palmed her jaw, bringing her into a hug.

She sniffled but pulled back. "I don't think we need to go see those rogues, Sunwoo. I'm afraid they will hurt our pack if they find us."

Sunwoo nibbled on his bottom lip. "We could send wolves they haven't seen. What if neither of us went and they acted as if they were passing through?"

Jihyo didn't look convinced. "I don't want you to lose any pack members."

"I understand. We'll have a meeting about it in the morning and I'll ask some of the neighboring packs if they've ever been to The Mermaids' Tale and encountered any rogues."

She nodded. "Okay."

Sunwoo leaned up and kissed her softly. Jihyo sank her fingertips into his hair and deepened the kiss. It sent his wolf into a frenzy. Now, he was the one that needed to practice self-control.

Jihyo tugged at him, pulling him on top of her as she leaned back against the bed. It was a dangerous position for him to in because if they went further he would want to sink his fangs into her neck.

Quicker than he realized was possible, she swung her leg over and pinned him to the bed. A sly smile curled at her mouth. "Will Mr. Alpha let me be Alpha tonight?"

He chuckled and shook his head, sliding his palms up her thighs. He wished he didn't have any clothes on so he could feel her skin against his. That dress was bunched around her upper thighs and he wanted to touch every place it covered.

"Depends. Are you making any pack changes, or are you just wanting to grind on me a little? I think I can sit back while you do that."

Jihyo chuckled and slid her fingertips against his chest. "Do you want me to have self-control now?"

Sunwoo laughed loudly. "Oh, you are a sneaky little fox, aren't you?"

Jihyo smiled at him, leaned down and kissed him deeply. His fingers sank into her thighs and her felt her growing antsy. She clung to his t-shirt, a desperate sound came from her and she jumped off him.

Sunwoo sat up on his elbows and looked at her. She looked frightened. "You okay over there?" he asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, I just. My wolf is in more control than I thought."

Sunwoo stood up slowly and walked over. "Why is that?"

"She tried to get me to bite you," she whispered.

Sunwoo's brows shot to his hairline. "Maybe we should let your wolf stay in control after all."

Jihyo chuckled. "You'd like that."

"I'd love that, but you know there is no rush for any of that. Whenever, or if ever, you want to talk about mating. I'll make it special. It won't be some rump in the backseat of my Jeep."

Sunwoo watched the pulse in Jihyo's neck jump. "As long as we're alone and I can unleash everything inside me, then I don't give a werewolf's ass where we are."

Sunwoo smiled. "Noted."

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