Chapter Thrity-Two

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Sunwoo and Jihyo made it to the field before everyone else. They went over a few exercises they planned to do and what they would tell them about their sudden spurt in training.

Jihyo sat down on the ground to retie her shoes. "Do you think they'll be happy about training?"

Sunwoo placed his hands behind his head to stretch. "Some of them, yeah. You saw them in the dining hall this morning. I'm sure there will be skeptical ones that don't want to train, or want answers, but I'll deal with that when the time comes."

Jihyo looked nervous, so Sunwoo walked over and bent down beside her. "Don't be nervous, Little Fox. If things go south, we all know you can outrun them-"

Jihyo hit his chest and laughed. "I'm more nervous about making a fool out of myself. I'm out of shape."

Sunwoo looked down at her body and grinned. "You look pretty in shape to me."

She ignored Sunwoo, though he noticed the smile she tried to hide. "I'm serious," she said. "I haven't trained in ages."

He helped her up to her feet. "You'll do fine, I promise."

Jihyo stood back while most of the pack made their way towards the field. He felt her nerves, so he reached back and pulled her towards him, introducing her to some of the unmated wolves and shewolves.

Once most of the pack was there, he cleared his throat. "Good morning. I'm glad you all made it on time."

"Why are we here?" one of the younger shewolves asked.

"We're going to start training," Sunwoo said.

"Why?" someone asked.

Sunwoo clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "We've had a rogue problem as you know and one was able to get into my room yesterday."

Sunwoo listened as everyone gasped and whispered amongst one another.

"I don't blame any of you. I've been busy," he said, glancing over at Jihyo. "And they took the opportunity to pounce. I don't blame anyone because I'm the alpha. I'm the one that should have been on top of our guards and checking the perimeter. I was distracted and it cost someone being able to break in-"

"What did they take?" Soojin asked from the midts of the group.

"Some of Jihyo's clothing."

The pack became quiet. Sunwoo felt their animosity building and his wolf became protective.

"So, your new girlfriend is causing the problems?" Soojin finally asked, popping her hip to the side. "Why else would they want her clothes, Sunwoo?"

Sunwoo glared at her for several seconds. "I'm not sure of anything yet, Soojin."

"Well, it's obvious, Alpha. Why else would they want it? And these rogues started showing up the day she visited am I right? And you're still considering letting her stay? Am I the only one with a brain?"

Sunwoo's wolf lost it.

He'd prided himself on being able to keep himself calm. But his wolf couldn't stand  by and let some shewolf talk crap about his mate.

Sunwoo shifted in mid-air, the crowd parted for him and he landed on Soojin who cowered on the ground. The tension was tight in the air around him, but everyone knew not to question the alpha-except for Soojin apparently.

She whimpered beneath him. For a brief moment, he felt ashamed that he'd jumped on a shewolf. A sft hand touched his back and his wolf immediately calmed.

Shifting, he stood up in the middle of the crowd. "That's the last warning I am giving you regarding my mate," he said. "If you say her name or even think it again, you're out."

Soojin's eyes narrowed to slits. "You're going to kick me out of a pack I grew up in for your mate, Sunwoo? I've known you since we were children."

"And she's my forever mate, Soojin. When you find yours, you will understand. I mean it. This is your last chance. Defy me one more time and you're out."

Sunwoo turned on his heel and glared at the rest of the pack. "Does anyone else have anything to say about this?"

He nodded at the silence. "We don't know why this is happening, but I'm going to do my best to find out. My first priority as alpha is keeping everyone safe and we can't do that until we find out who is behind this. In the meantime," Sunwoo said, stepping back beside Jihyo. "We train and keep in shape. We make sure we're ready for anything this person throws at us."

"Has any of the wolves heard anything out of the rogues that were caught?" Jihyo asked from beside me.

One of our guards stepped forwards. "I heard them talking but I couldn't make sense of any of it," he said. "But they do know one another. We can conclude none of it was a coincidence."

Sunwoo hadn't thought for a moment that it was a coincidence. "Thank you. The rogue that's speaking for the rest seems to want to piss me off. I think they are here for me and using Jihyo to get to me. They will try to get in through any hole in our perimeter. I want wolves guarding the pack lands at all times. While they guard, the others will train. We have to be prepared for anything they throw at us."

Sunwoo glanced at Jihyo. "We'll run to warm up and when we get back, we'll start our training."

Sunwoo stripped his shirt off and tossed it to the side. Most of the other wolves did the same, and they all started running behind Sunwoo as he took the easiest route around the entire pack grounds.

Jihyo ran beside him. "You're going to make things worse for me," she whispered.

Sunwoo glanced down with a raised brow. "What do you mean?"

Jihyo glanced over her shoulder. "What you did to Soojin. Don't get me wrong, I love me a big strong protector, but you nearly made the girl crap herself."

Sunwoo shrugged. "She disrespected you, Little Fox. We can't have that."

"She already hated me, Sunwoo. Now I'm going to wake up with a knife to my throat."

He chuckled. "I wish she would. I would cast her so far out the lycans would eat her alive."

Jihyo shoved her shoulder into Sunwoo's. "I'm being serious. Try not to kill the shewolf or give her a heart attack. I can take care of myself and honestly, if I were her, I would assume the same thing. It's strange all of this started when I got here."

"I agree," Sunwoo said. "But that doesn't mean she questions her alpha or disrespects her alpha's mate. I will handle Soojin more rationally if it'll make you happy."

Jihyo chuckled. "I didn't mind the scared look on her face, but I think it'll help me in the long run if she doesn't completely hate me, ya know? I'll need to fit in sooner or later."

Sunwoo glanced over at her, watching her ponytail swinging behind her. "So that means you're considering staying?"

Jihyo's face turned red. "Perhaps. I have some stipulations,  but we can talk about them later. Now, I'm going to show you just how quickly I can actually run away."

Mated To My Alpha Stepbrother (A Sunwoo ff) ✓Where stories live. Discover now